Anjana Sasindran
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Anjana Sasindran's CV

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Anjana Sasindran's CV
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% "ModernCV" CV and Cover Letter
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.1 (9/12/12)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Original author:
% Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com)
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
% Important note:
% This template requires the moderncv.cls and .sty files to be in the same
% directory as this .tex file. These files provide the resume style and themes
% used for structuring the document.
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\firstname{\textbf{Anjana}} % Your first name
\familyname{S} % Your last name
% All information in this block is optional, comment out any lines you don't need
\textbf{#1}\newline% Name
%\title{Curriculum Vitae}
%\address{Aickara(H), Manjapra(p.o)}{Angamali}
\address{(d/o) A T Sasindran Nair, Aickkara(H), Manjapra(p.o), Chandrapura}{Angamali, Ernakulam, Kerala - 683581}
%\address{Barkat Bhaban - 606}{Amar Ekushey Hall, University of Dhaka, Dhaka - 1000}
%\homepage{bd.linkedin.com/pub/mainuddin-talukdar/93/1b4/a13/} bd.linkedin.com/pub/mainuddin-talukdar/93/1b4/a13/}% The first argument is the url for the clickable link, the second argument is the url displayed in the template - this allows special characters to be displayed such as the tilde in this example
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%\quote{"A witty and playful quotation" - John Smith}
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\section{Career Objective}
\cvitem{}{To work hard with full dedication for the achievement of the organization objective, enhancing my skill and knowledge.}
\cventry{2012--2016}{Bachelor of Technology} {in Computer Science Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham}{Kollam, Kerala}{\textit{CGPA -- 7.59/10 upto 6th Semester}}{} % Arguments not required can be left empty
\cventry{2012}{Higher Secondary}{Technical School, Undertaken by Department of IHRD}{Ernakulam, Kerala}{\textit{Secured 80\% marks with Distinction}}{} % Arguments not required can be left empty
\cventry{2010}{SSLC}{Anita Vidyalaya}{Ernakulam, Kerala}{\textit{Secured 93\% marks}}{} % Arguments not required can be left empty
% * <sanjanasasindran@gmail.com> 2015-01-17T05:26:37.471Z:
%\cventry{}{Two articles got accepted and published on Open Source For You, Asia’s First English Magazine on Free and Open Source Software}{}{}{}{}
%\item {Article on "\textit{Tornado: A Python Web Framework, That's Simple and quick}"}
%\item {Article on "\textit{Try your Hands at Owncloud Development}"}
%\address{(d/o) A T Sasindran Nair, Aickkara(H), Manjapra(p.o), %Chandrapura}{Angamali, Ernakulam, Kerala - 683581}
\cvitem{}{Article on \textbf{"Try your Hands at OwnCloud Development"} got accepted and published on Open Source for You (November Edition, 2014)- \textit{The First English Magazine in Asia on Free and Open Source Software}}
\section{Selected Achievements}
\cvitem{2015}{Selected for Female Developer grant to attend droidconIN 2015 (droidconIN is India's largest Android developer conference)}
\cvitem{2015} {A project on women safety as a part of Hackathon conducted by \textbf{IGNITE Women Fueling Science and Technology}, A Global Fund for Women Project got selected and listed among the \textbf{World's top 10} projects. I worked at this project as a team of five University students-(Reference- http://www.takepart.com/article/2015/04/25/india-sexual-assault-prevention-game)}
\cvitem{2010} {Awarded with a \textbf{Rajya Puraskar Honour} from Governor of Kerala for the overall Scout and Guides activities within the State}
\section{Major Projects}
\subsection{\textit{The Event Manager-An Andrioid application}}
\cvitem{Description}{An simple Android application which provide you with the best rated services to make your events more organized. Basic functinalities are implemented and the application is still under development}
\subsection{\textit{Prototype implementation in Riak (A eventually consistent Datastore)}}
\cvitem{Description}{Social networking application, which implements back-end using Riak and front-end using Java.Currently working on this under the guidance of a Researcher.}
%\subsection{\textit{Error Diagnostic Manager - A Software application for Error Detection in Computers}}
%\cvitem{Description}{Currently working on this project as a team of three University students. The application is to detect whenever a system failure occurs and takes necessary actions against it.}
\subsection{\textit{PassportSeva- Enables simple delivery of passport and related services}}
\cvitem{Description}{An application, using Java as the front end and Post-greSQL as the back end. I worked at this project as a team of three University students.}
%\cvitem{Technology} {Net-Beans, Post-greSQL}
%\cvitem{Role} {Requirement Analysis, Front end Designer}
\section{Open Source Contributions}
\subsection{Contributions to \textbf{Linux Kernel} - Fixed 10 Bugs}
\cvitem{Description}{Around 10 of my patches to driver subsystem have gotten merged. Patches are emailed to mailing lists of corresponding subsystems.}
\subsection{Contributions to \textbf{Mediawiki} - Reported and Fixed a bug}
\cvitem{Description}{Two contributions to Mediawiki Extensions includes a Bug Fix on MediaWiki-extensions-AbuseFilter and a Bug report on MediaWiki-User-blocking.}
%\subsection{SSR - Student Social Responsibility Project }
%\cvitem{Description}{ A one day program for upper primary and High School Students, "Together Towards Better Future". }
%\cvitem{Role} {Speaker, Volunteer}
%\subsection{SAH - Serve an Hour (Campus project)}
%\cvitem{Description}{A one day General awareness program with Kids of Government schools in Kollam district }
%\cvitem{Role} {Speaker, Volunteer}
%\subsection{Human Resource Management System (HRMS)}
%\cvitem{Description}{It is a Web based application that solves one business problem. I worked in this project as a group for perticipating in "StarUp DU Business process tool competition"}
%\cvitem{Technology} {PHP, CodeIgniter, Bootstrap, JS, Jquery, HTML, MySQL}
%\subsection{IIT Key Logger and Remote Viewer}
%\cvitem{Description}{Linux Kernel based program that stores Key stroke and send total file to the remote system. I worked on it as a group in our Software Project Lab - I}
%\cvitem{Technology} {C++ Linux Kernel API, C++ Socket API}
%\cvitem{September 2014}{Working in the Organizer team of Amrita University FOSS Club and conducted one day workshop \textbf{"A day with Linux"} for the newly admitted University club members}
%\cvitem{April 2013}{Working in the team of Amrita University FOSS club and conducted a workshop for the High School students on \textbf{"Basic Web Development using HTML"}}
%\cvitem{2013}{Worked as a volunteer in a Seminar on Mozilla OS in IIT, Univiersity of Dhaka}
%\cvitem{October 2014}{Attended \textbf{Debian conference}, Deb-Utsav 2014 held at Amrita University, Kollam}
\cvitem{Feb- 2014}{Attended \textbf{FOSS Meet 2014} on Open Source held at NIT, Calicut }
\cvitem{ Sept- 2013}{Attended \textbf{PyCon 2013} on Python programming for beginners held at Bangalore}
\section{Extracurricular Activities }
\cvitem{2015} {Active Member and Organizer of \textbf{FOSS Club}, Amrita University, Kollam. The members of the club used to work for 5 hours or more in college lab after college hours contributing to various Open Source projects-http://foss.amrita.ac.in}
\cvitem{November 2014} {\textbf{Student Social Responsibility}, Project on building confidence among girls by conducting classes on self defense, computer basics and organic farming. Responsible for organizing meetings with school authorities, conducting sessions.}
\cvitem{September 2014}{Working in the Organizing team of Amrita University FOSS Club, conducted workshops for High school students and junior members in the club on \textbf{Basic Web Development}.}
\cvitem{August 2014}{Actively participated in the Marathons and Cycle rally conducted by the University as the part of Car Free Day }
%\cvitem{April 2013}{Working in the team of Amrita University FOSS club and conducted a workshop for the High School students on \textbf{"Basic Web Development using HTML"}}
\cvitem{March 2013} {Coordinated and actively involved in the \textbf{Amala Bharatam Campaign} at Sabarimala, a nationwide Social Cleanliness Project of www.embracingtheworld.org}
%\cvitem{2012,2013}{Volunteered for Amma\' s Birthday celebrations- an international event which attracts more than 1 lakh people. Responsible for Crowd Control and security, this included ensuring smooth flow of people, managing accommodation, leading team of volunteers
\cvitem{2010,2012}{Actively involved in activities of \textbf{Scouts and Guides}, National Service Scheme and attended National level camps.}
\section{Technical Skills}
\cvitem{Programming Languages}{C++, Java, Python(Basics)}
\cvitem{Web Development}{HTML, CSS, Java Script, PHP}
\cvitem{Platforms}{ Android, GNU/Linux(Ubuntu, Kubuntu), Windows}
%\cvitem{Game Engine} {LibGDX - v1.0}
\cvitem{Database}{PostgresSQL, Riak, MySql}% * <bit0428@iit.du.ac.bd> 2014-10-21T07:54:10.585Z:
% good
%\cvitem{Development Tools}{ Net-Beans, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, Code Blocks 10.05}
%\cvitem{Version Controlling Tool}{GitHub URL - "https://github.com/anjanasasindran123"}
%\cvitem{2013-2014} {Joining as regular basis in Codeforces online contest - "Codeforces round"}
%\subsection{Dhaka University Career Club}
%\cvitem{Designation}{Assistant to HR}
%\cvitem{Role} {Database Development and Maintenance, Interviewer}
%\subsection{Dhaka University IT Society}
%\cvitem{Designation}{General Member}
%\cvitem{Role} {Worked as volunteer in major programs organized by the club}
%\subsection{IIT Apps Club}
%\cvitem{Designation}{General Member}
%\cvitem{Role} {Group Collaborator}
%\section{Languages Known}
%\cvitem{Malayalam}{Mother Tongue}
%\cvitem {English}{Second Language}
%\cvitem {Hindi}{Basic}
\cvitem{Technical}{Software Engineering, Database Management Systems}
\cvitem{Leisure}{Listening to Music, Dancing, Swimming}
\cvitem{Games}{Badminton, Basketball}
%\section{Personal Information}
%\cvitem{Date of Birth}{July 13, 1994}
%\cvitem{Place of Birth}{Ernakulam, Kerala}
%\cvdoublecolumn{\cvreference{Vipin Pavithran}
% {Department of Cyber Security}
% {Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham}
% {Kollam, Kerala}
{%\cvreference{Mikhail Khovanov}
%{Department of Mathematics}
%{Columbia University}
%{990 Broadway}
%{New York, NY 10027}