Curriculum Vitae (ENG)
Andrea Magazzini
Last Updated:
7 anni fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
My Curriculum Vitae (English Version)

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My Curriculum Vitae (English Version)
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% "ModernCV" CV and Cover Letter
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.11 (19/6/14)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Original author:
% Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com)
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
% Important note:
% This template requires the moderncv.cls and .sty files to be in the same
% directory as this .tex file. These files provide the resume style and themes
% used for structuring the document.
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\firstname{Andrea} % Your first name
\familyname{Magazzini} % Your last name
% All information in this block is optional, comment out any lines you don't need
\title{Curriculum Vitae}
\address{Langgrütstrasse 50}{8047 Zurich, Switzerland}
\mobile{(+41) 76 372 14 44}
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\quote{Dynamic, open minded, fast learner and always ready to change:\\
I consider these skills to be my strenghts.\\
I always try to adapt myself because I think nothing is static in this World.\\
I have a BSc in Electronic Engineering, an European MSc double degree in Advanced Robotics.
I studied in 3 different Universities in Italy, Norway and France.
Now I work in Switzerland as Software Engineer, living again in a different country and in a field different from my studies.\\
Being social and get in touch with new people, from different cultures, in order to share knowledge and ideas, has always brought me inspiration and new ways of thinking.\\
Pantarei, everything flows}
\makecvtitle % Print the CV title
\section{Education and training}
\cventry{2017}{Digital Garage, Switzerland Academy}{UIIP}{Milan}{Italy}{\itemize{\item Technical training: Object Oriented Programming, Data Base, JavaScript Client Side and App (HTML5, CSS, Ajax, AngularJS, Cross mobile platform development), Java Server Side Technologies, Software Engineering and Testing. \item Cross training: English Language, Scrum Methodologies, Soft Skills Laboratory: Teamwork, Communication Management and Public speaking}
\noindent\\Outgoing profile: Mobile Apps \& Digital Developer}
\cventry{2015 - 2016}{European Master on Advanced Robotics}{Università degli Studi di Genova}{Italy}{\textbf{Master Thesis:} \textit{A software tool for model-based analysis of full-body movements}}{Development of a C++ block and a real-time patch in EyesWeb to automatically compute the parameters of a humanoid model and study its movements}
\cventry{2014 - 2015}{European Master on Advanced Robotics}{École Centrale de Nantes}{France}
{\textbf{\-Project:} Development of observers making use of Matlab and Simulink}{}
\cventry{2012}{Erasmus Semester}{Universitetet i Agder}{Norway}{}{}
\cventry{2010 - 2014}{Bachelor in Electronic Engineering}{Università degli Studi di Genova}{Italy}{}{}
%{\section{Masters Thesis}
%\cvitem{Title}{\emph{Money Is The Root Of All Evil -- Or Is It?}}
%\cvitem{Supervisors}{Professor James Smith \& Associate Professor Jane Smith}
%\cvitem{Description}{This thesis explored the idea that money has been the cause of untold anguish and suffering in the world. I found that it has, in fact, not.}
\section{Working Experiences}
\cventry{Feb 2018}{Software Engineer}{SIX Payment Services}{Biel}{Switzerland}{
Job as consultant, working with different tools to inspect the HP NonStop SQL Database and developing in COBOL, C++ and Java
\cventry{June 2017}{Software Engineer}{ti\&m}{Zurich}{Switzerland}{
\item Analytics Prototype: short time project in which I managed the Front End part making use of AngularJS and AMCharts.
\item Development of the new company site using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Magnolia
\item SmartConnect: project for Credit Suisse, a social platform developed with Jive. I have implemented new functionalities using JavaScript, Closure, Stylus and Java.
\item ICO-Passport: hybrid app developed with React Native that permits to invest in ICO Tokens making use of the Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts.
\cventry{2013 - 2014\\2015 - 2016}{Treasurer and IT Responsible}{ESN Genova and AEGEE-Genova}{}{}{I volunteered as treasurer, IT responsible and organizer of different activities for two european associations of my hometown.\\
They were experiences that allowed me to:
\item Learn spanish and practice my english and french;
\item Understand deeper the mechanisms of a no-profit association;
\item Work in group with other volunteers;
\item Manage the financial part of the association;
\item Develop my computer skills:
\cventry{2009}{Shop Assistant}{Computer Lab}{Genova}{}{While I was at the High School I started working as assistant in a computer shop.\\ This was really helpful to:
\item Fix the most common problems of the customers, both Software and Hardware;
\item Disassemble and assemble a computer;
\item Format a computer and set up a new Microsoft installation;
\section{Computer Skills}
\cvitem{Basic}{\textsc{C, COBOL, ROS, ReactJS, Solidity, Kotlin}}
\cvitem{Intermediate}{\textsc{C++, Java, MySQL, Android}}
\cvitem{Advanced}{\textsc{HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, JavaScript, AngularJS, Angular2}}
\cvitemwithcomment{English}{Advanced}{Fluent in speaking, very good in listening and very good in writing}
\cvitemwithcomment{French}{Advanced}{Fluent in speaking, very good in listening and good in writing}
\cvitemwithcomment{Spanish}{Advanced}{Fluent in speaking, very good in listening and good in writing}
\cvitemwithcomment{German}{Intermediate}{Small talks and General comprehension in writing}
% To remove the cover letter, comment out this entire block
%\recipient{HR Department}{Corporation\\123 Pleasant Lane\\12345 City, State} % Letter recipient
%\date{\today} % Letter date
%\opening{Dear Sir or Madam,} % Opening greeting
%\closing{Sincerely yours,} % Closing phrase
%\enclosure[Attached]{curriculum vit\ae{}} % List of enclosed documents
%\makelettertitle % Print letter title
%\lipsum[1-3] % Dummy text
%\makeletterclosing % Print letter signature