Jay Patel's Résumé
Jay Patel
Last Updated:
9 anni fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Jay Patel's Résumé

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Jay Patel's Résumé
Discover why over 20 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\header{PATEL}{JAY } % Your name
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E/52,Rajaji Park,
Near VallabhSchool
Dabhoi Road,
Mobile no:
+91 9510032033
+91 94265993245
{\color{red} $\varheartsuit$}C,
Embedded C,
{Bombardier Transportation}
{Savli, India}
One Year experience as Trainee Engineer in Methods Department in Bombardier Transportation Savli\\
Detailed achievements:
\item Good command to define the process and solutions for real time problems.
\item Good Knowledge of Chain Management and Implementation.\item Knowledge of Kaizen, PPS, SAP Basics.
{Vtalent Global Pvt Ltd}
{Vadodara, India}
Worked on different projects based on 8051, Arduino, Raspberry Pie and AVR micro-controllers.\\
Major Project : Bottle Filling System and Liquid Level Inspection System using Image Processing.\\\
Detailed achievements:
\item Get Detail understanding of Image Processing.
\item Good Knowledge of interfacing of different module to different micro-controller module and vice versa.
{M.Engg {\normalfont in Electronics and Comm. Engineering(8.57 CPI)}}
{Gujarat Technological University}
{B.Engg {\normalfont in Electronics and Comm. Engineering(8.02 CPI)}}
{Gujarat Technological University}
{HSC(Science) {\normalfont with Maths,Physics and Chemistry(70 .per)}}
{SSC {\normalfont S F High-Shool Chhota Udepur, Baroda(87 .per)}}
{QNGR (Queensland New Generation Rolling Stock) }
{Bombardier Transportation}
{-Project QNGR (ramp-up phase) and Project DMRC (planning phase)\\
-Change management, implementation and request
-Process optimization\\
-Documentation for production\\
-Takt time study: Analysis and improvisation}
{Antenna Designing }
{Bombardier Transportation/GTU}
{Develop, Design and Simulation of UHF Antenna for the Heavy Duty Applications such as Trains. }
{Automatic inspection system using Image Processing }
{VTalent Global Pvt Ltd/GTU}
{Develop Automatic Inspection system based on Image Processing in VTalent Global Pvt Ltd, Baroda.}
{Complete Andruino Project }
{Parul Institute of Technolgy}
{Complete Andruino project on Robotics of Sensor.}
{Freelancer Website}
{Parul Institute of Technolgy}
{Create Freelancer website in HTML using CSS as ME-2th semester Project.}
% Achievement SECTION
{MTV Campus Ambassador }
{Gujarat Region}
{Organized number of events to the different campus all over gujarat.}
{Champion-Zone Level Inter School Quiz competition on Science }
{First Prize Winner at Zone Level Inter School Quiz competition on Science, which is conducted by SPRERI.}
{Champion-Treasure Hunt}
{Parul Group of Institutes}
{First Prize Winner in Treasure Hunt event conducted by Parul Group of Institutes.}
{C Fundamental Course}
{Microsoft Virtual Academy}
{had completed certified online course of C Fundamental course at Microsoft Virtual Academy.}
{Method Engineer}
{Better knowledge of Process Flow, Engineering Drawings, Time Study and Analysis.}
{RF and Antenna Design Engineer}
{Design and Develop creative antenna for the specific applications.}
{Image Analyst}
{Good Knowledge of Image Processing and Image Enhancement.}
{Good Management skills}
{\jobtitle{}\ Excellent Management Skills which require in company.}
{\jobtitle{}\ Simulate and Development of the RF and Antenna Devices. }
{Quick Learning Capability}
{\jobtitle{}\ Quick learning all the fundamental of the Software Technology. }
{Good in Communication }
{\jobtitle{}\ Know different languages. }
{Learn about new technology }
{\jobtitle{}\ Learn about the emerging technology which helpful to my designing Skills.}
{Find out Real time Problem solution }
{\jobtitle{}\ Find out Solution which arise on shop floor on daily base.
\item How to fast deliver the product.
\item Good Knowledge of Kaizen and SAP.
{\jobtitle{}\ Go to the different places to learn smallest things about nature. }
{Read Technological Magazines }
{\jobtitle{}\ Like DIGIT , Chip, Ftrack... }