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The truth table of half subtractor is studied by using aims-spice software. The output of half subtracor is subtraction and borrow. The circuit for both subtraction and borrow is separately designed .

Shiitake are delicious and easy to grow. They can be an excellent alternative crop because much of the work required can be done in the off-season. In addition, Shiitake grows in the shade of a forest and so does not compete for cultivated land. Shiitake are a source of vitamins, minerals, and up to 30\% protein with all essential amino acids. The objective of this one day hands-on workshop is to introduce farmers to the basic steps required to grow shiitake on logs. The course begins with an overview of fungal 'behavior' - the ecology and physiology of how they grow, fruit, reproduce, and interact with other organisms. This will provide a foundation for understanding how to cultivate and care for your logs and their fungal guests. We will learn to identify oaks, fell trees, and identify a suitable locations for logs. During incubation and fruiting stages. Lunch will provide an informal opportunity for questions. Following lunch, we will learn how to inoculate logs with shiitake spawn, and then set up a demonstration production line. Finally, we will discuss taking care of logs, forcing them to fruit on schedule, and some ideas on marketing. I hope that by the end of this class, students will leave ready to start a small shiitake production operation on their own.

The axion is a hypothetical particle, introduced by the Peccei-Quinn theory in 1977 as a solution to the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics. The axion, if it exists, must have a very small mass, and must be very weakly interacting with baryonic matter, giving it the abbreviation WISP (Weakly Interacting Sub-ev Particle). The predicted attributes of the axion would give it the ability to pass directly through an opaque wall without obstruction, and this is how the ALPS experiment (Any Light Particle Search) at DESY in Hamburg is exploring the possibility of their existence. In this report, we will use matrix methods to reproduce the relationship between axion mass and axion coupling as published by the ALPS experiment \autocite{Ehret, K. et al (2010). New ALPS results on hidden-sector lightweights} in 2010, using their conversion probability to plot the result. Note that all equations, unless otherwise stated, are in natural units ($c=1$, $\hbar = 1$).

This report focuses on improving classification accuracy and reducing computational complexity for human activity recognition problem on public datasets UCI and WISDM. We discussed the benefits of getting access to smartphones in the filed of HAR research. Our experiment indicates that combining AdaBoost M1 algorithm with C4.5 contributes to discriminating several common human activities. Moreover, we showed that it is feasible to reduce computational complexity and achieve high accuracy at the same time by applying correlation-based feature selection.


Análisis de propiedades físicas y químicas de alcoholes, fenoles y éteres

Formelsamling för fysik 1a av Jonas Vasur. Påbörjades på Mediagymnasiet (Nacka Strand), våren 2014.
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