Resume of Manoj Kumar
Manoj Kumar
Last Updated:
10 anni fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Resume of Manoj Kumar

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Resume of Manoj Kumar
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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% personal data
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\address{Flat B-50 Haq Bahu Plaza Block 13/C Gulshan Iqbal, Karachi}{}{}% optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted; the "postcode city" and and "country" arguments can be omitted or provided empty
\phone[mobile]{+92 333 2211275} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
\phone[fixed]{021 34970407} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
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\email{manojpabani@gmail.com} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted
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\small{I would like to be part of an organization and environment where I can progress and consume my skills I acquired during my studies and internship and get opportunities to learn and advance in my professional career. }
\subsection{Academic Qualifications}
\item{\cventry{2011--2015}{BS Computer Science }{National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences}{Karachi}{}{}}
\item{\cventry{2009--2011}{Higher Secondary Certificate}{Adamjee Government Science College}{Karachi}{}{}} % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty
\item{\cventry{2007--2009}{Secondary School Certificate}{Sindh Madrasatul Islam}{Karachi}{}{}}
\item{\textbf{Final Year Project:} \textit{Development of web portal}
\small{It is a Final Year Project based on web portal that provides product data from multiple websites by extracting html content and retrieve intended information. In addition to this, it analyzes customer search behavior and product features, and displays it to users.}}
\item{\textbf{Hospital Data Warehouse:}
\small{Worked on Pentaho Business intelligence tools. Build warehouse of American hospital excel data, many results can be generated by single click}}
\item{\textbf{Virtual Travel Agency :}
\small{It will provide Suitable Hotel to stay, overview of weather, airline information and Provide Historical Knowledge of places.}}
\item{\textbf{Guessing color (C++) :}
\small{– It is an Artificial Intelligence based project in which user will enter any colors combination, computer will try to guess in given number of turns.}}
\item{\textbf{Paint :}
\small{Worked as C++ developer.}}
\item{\textbf{Car Game :}
\small{Worked as Allegro C++ developer it was an easy game in which car is moving at constant speed user can change direction by left and right key.}}
\section{Previous Employment}
\item{\cventry{Feb 2015--April 2015}{Web Developer Internee}{Tesla Vault}{Karachi}{}{\vspace{1pt}}}
\item Review and evaluate existing database designs and look for ways to improve them.
\item Work with and understand basic JavaScript,CSS,HTML and related concepts for interaction.
\item Work with and understand basic concepts of MVC YII framework.
\item Build CURD on \textsc{YII.}
\section{Computer Skilss}
\item \textbf{Programming Languages:} C, C++, Java, PHP, SQL.
\item \textbf{Scripting / Styling Languages:} HTML, Javascript , CSS3, \LaTeX.
\item \textbf{Framework / Library:} Bootstrap, YIIframework, Ajax, Jquery, Allegro C++
\item \textbf{Database:} MySQL.
\item \textbf{Tools:} NetBeans, Dev C++, DB Designer, Rapidminer, Visual Studio, Pentaho Data Integration, Pentaho Schema Workbench, Pentaho BI Server, Pentaho Report Designer, SQL Server, Xampp.
\item \textbf{Courses:} Design Patterns, Information Retrieval, Software Quality Assurance, Data Warehouse.
\section{Interests and extra-curricular activity}
\item{Member in Guest Relation \textbf{Procom.net2012} at \textbf{FAST NUCES}}
\item{Junior coordinator in Participants Relation \textbf{Procom.net2013} at \textbf{FAST NUCES}}
\item{Junior coordinator in Participants Relation \textbf{JobFair2013} at \textbf{FAST NUCES}}
\item{Senior coordinator in IQUEST \textbf{Procom.net2014} at \textbf{FAST NUCES}}
\item{Participated in Speed Programming \textbf{ Coders Cup 2013} at \textbf{FAST NUCES}}
\item{Participated in Database Designing \textbf{Procom.net2014} at \textbf{FAST NUCES}}
\item{Participated in Database Designing \textbf{Developers Day 2014} at \textbf{FAST NUCES}}
\item{Participated in Database Designing \textbf{IBA Probattle 2015} at \textbf{IBA Karachi}}
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