CDT in NLP thesis
Daniel HIllerstroem, Chris Vasiladiotis, Laurie Burchell
Last Updated
un mese fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A thesis template suitable for members of the CDT in NLP at the University of Edinburgh
%% Sample use of the infthesis class to prepare a thesis. This can be used as
%% a template to produce your own thesis.
%% The title, abstract and so on are taken from Martin Reddy's csthesis class
%% documentation.
%% MEF, October 2002
%% Load the class. Put any options that you want here (see the documentation
%% for the list of options). The following are samples for each type of
%% thesis:
%% Note: you can also specify any of the following options:
%% logo: put a University of Edinburgh logo onto the title page
%% frontabs: put the abstract onto the title page
%% deptreport: produce a title page that fits into a Computer Science
%% departmental cover [not sure if this actually works]
%% singlespacing, fullspacing, doublespacing: choose line spacing
%% oneside, twoside: specify a one-sided or two-sided thesis
%% 10pt, 11pt, 12pt: choose a font size
%% centrechapter, leftchapter, rightchapter: alignment of chapter headings
%% sansheadings, normalheadings: headings and captions in sans-serif
%% (default) or in the same font as the rest of the thesis
%% [no]listsintoc: put list of figures/tables in table of contents (default:
%% not)
%% romanprepages, plainprepages: number the preliminary pages with Roman
%% numerals (default) or consecutively with the rest of the thesis
%% parskip: don't indent paragraphs, put a blank line between instead
%% abbrevs: define a list of useful abbreviations (see documentation)
%% draft: produce a single-spaced, double-sided thesis with narrow margins
%% For a PhD thesis -- you must also specify a research institute:
\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb} % for maths
\usepackage{booktabs} % for pretty lines in tables
\usepackage{nth} % for easy ordinals
\usepackage[colorlinks=true,linkcolor=black,anchorcolor=black,citecolor=black,filecolor=black,menucolor=black,runcolor=black,urlcolor=black]{hyperref} % for urls
\usepackage{cleveref} % for references to sections/figures/tables...
%% Information about the title, etc.
\title{Your amazing thesis}
\author{Your name here}
%% If the year of submission is not the current year, uncomment this line and
%% specify it here:
%% Optionally, specify the graduation month and year:
%\graduationdate{June 2024}
%% Specify the abstract here.
\abstract{Your abstract here}
%% Now we start with the actual document.
%% First, the preliminary pages
%% This creates the title page
% Lay summary
\textsf{\textbf{\LARGE Lay Summary}}
Lay summary here
%% Acknowledgements
Acknowledgements here
%% Next we need to have the declaration.
%% Finally, a dedication (this is optional -- uncomment the following line if
%% you want one).
% \dedication{}
%% Create the table of contents
%% If you want a list of figures or tables, uncomment the appropriate line(s)
% \listoffigures
% \listoftables
%% Include your chapter files here. See the sample chapter file for the basic
%% format.
%% Any appendices should go here. The appendix files should look just like the
%% chapter files.
%% Choose your favourite bibliography style here.
%% If you want the bibliography single-spaced (which is allowed), uncomment
%% the next line.