% Lucerne University of Applied Siences and Arts
% Version 0.2 - 02-10-2024
% HSLU-I: Official Thesis Template
% This template complies with the official guidelines for bachelor thesis provided
% on complesis by the department HSLU-I (computer science).
% Original guidelines can be found on complesis:
% https://complesis.hslu.ch/
% Original author:
% Ramón Christen HSLU-I
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, oneside]{book} % document style definition
\usepackage{hslu} % apply HSLU style
\usepackage{comment} % having comment sections \begin{comment} \end{comment}
\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % hide red border in hyperlinks
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % charactere interpretation
\usepackage{amsmath} % math package
\usepackage{amsfonts} % font package for math symbols
\usepackage{amssymb} % symbols package - definition of math symbols
\usepackage{listings} % package for code representation
\usepackage{graphicx} % for inclusion of image
\usepackage{subfig} % to arrange figures next to each other
\usepackage{float} % text style surrounding images
\usepackage[acronym]{glossaries} % package for glossary
\usepackage{tikz} % used to place logos on title page
% \usepackage{gensymb} % for special characters such as °
\setcounter{tocdepth}{1} % hide subsections from TOC
\input{acronyms} % include acronyms.txt file
\input{glossary} % include glossary.txt file
\graphicspath{{figs/}} % set path of graphics folder
\author{Author Name} % author name
\city{Lucerne (Switzerland)} % author's place of origin
\title{Thesis Title} % thesis title
\subtitle{\large subtitle} % thesis subtitle
\date{2024} % the year when the thesis was written (for the titlepage)
\defensedate{October 27th, 2024} % the date of the private defense
\defencelocation{Lucerne} % location of defence
\extexpert{Expert Name} % name of external expert
\indpartner{Company Name} % name of industry partner
% jury, supervisor and dean are only relevant if acceptance sheet is enabled with the next line
% \acceptsheet
\jury{ % members of the jury
\item Prof. Dr. Name Surname from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland (President of the Jury);
\item Prof. Dr. Name Surname from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland (Thesis Supervisor);
\item Prof. Dr. Name Surname from Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland (External Expert).
\supervisor{Prof. Dr. Name Surname} % name of supervisor
\dean{Prof. Dr. Name Surname} % name of faculty dean
\acknowledgments{Thanks to my family, relatives and firends for all the support given to finish this thesis.}
\english % define thesis language: \german or \german
The content of your thesis in brief.
% print list of acronyms and glossary
% examplary content: write or compose the main document here
\chapter{Main Content}
This is a template of \gls{hslu} and then. This section usually comprises different chapters and subchapters explaining various concepts and refering to external results \cite{christen_exogenous_2020}.
Content may also refer to special expressions such as that has to be explained in a separate section. Here we also have \gls{fuzzy logic} enough space and \gls{cww} to discuss the concept of \gls{nn} and so on.
This is a sample comment.
\glsaddallunused % add all unused items to glossary