Takeshi Tanabe
Last Updated:
4 mesi fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template of ICAT-EGVE 2024 demo pepar

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Author guideline and sample document for EG publication using LaTeX2e input
% D.Fellner, v1.22, Jan 22, 2024
% --- for Annual CONFERENCE
% \ConferenceSubmission % uncomment for Conference submission
% \ConferencePaper % uncomment for (final) Conference Paper
% \STAR % uncomment for STAR contribution
% \Tutorial % uncomment for Tutorial contribution
% \ShortPresentation % uncomment for (final) Short Conference Presentation
% \Areas % uncomment for Areas contribution
% \Education % uncomment for Education contribution
% \Poster % uncomment for Poster contribution
% \DC % uncomment for Doctoral Consortium
% --- for CGF Journal
% \JournalSubmission % uncomment for submission to Computer Graphics Forum
% \JournalPaper % uncomment for final version of Journal Paper
% --- for CGF Journal: special issue
% \SpecialIssueSubmission % uncomment for submission to , special issue
% \SpecialIssuePaper % uncomment for final version of Computer Graphics Forum, special issue
% % EuroVis, SGP, Rendering, PG
% --- for EG Workshop Proceedings
% \WsSubmission % uncomment for submission to EG Workshop
% \WsPaper % uncomment for final version of EG Workshop contribution
% \WsSubmissionJoint % for joint events, for example ICAT-EGVE
% \WsPaperJoint % for joint events, for example ICAT-EGVE
\WsPaperJointdemo % uncomment for final version of EG Workshop contribution
% \WsPaperJointposter % uncomment for final version of EG Workshop contribution
% \WsPoster % uncomment for Poster contribution
% \WsShortPaper % uncomment for Short Paper contribution
% \Expressive % for SBIM, CAe, NPAR
% \DigitalHeritagePaper
% \PaperL2P % for events EG only asks for License to Publish
% --- for EuroVis
% for full papers use \SpecialIssuePaper
% \STAREurovis % for EuroVis additional material
% \EuroVisPoster % for EuroVis additional material
% \EuroVisShort % for EuroVis additional material
% \MedicalPrize % uncomment for Medical Prize (Dirk Bartz) contribution, since 2021 part of EuroVis
% \EuroVisEducation % uncomment for Education contribution
% Licences: for CGF Journal (EG conf. full papers and STARs, EuroVis conf. full papers and STARs, SR, SGP, PG)
% please choose the correct license
% !! *please* don't change anything above
% !! unless you REALLY know what you are doing
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
\usepackage{cite} % comment out for biblatex with backend=biber
% ---------------------------
% ---------------------------
% for including postscript figures
% mind: package option 'draft' will replace PS figure by a filename within a frame
\ifpdf \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \pdfcompresslevel=9
\else \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} \fi
% end of prologue