IISc Bachelor's thesis
Batch of 2017-21
Last Updated
4 anni fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Bachelor of Science (Research) degree thesis template
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Bachelor of Science (Research) degree thesis template
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\Huge{Title Part I}\\[4pt]
\Large{and maybe}\\
\Huge{Title Part II}
\large{A Thesis submitted for the completion of}
\large{requirements for the degree of}
\Large{Bachelor of Science}
\large{Your Name}
\normalsize{Undergraduate Programme}
\normalsize{Indian Institute of Science}
\normalsize{Under the supervision of}
\large{Prof. Your Advisor}\\
\normalsize{Your Advisor's Institute} \\[5pt]
\large{Prof. Your Proxy}\\
\normalsize{Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science}
\chapter*{\centering Acknowledgements}
\hspace{15pt} Dedicated to Prashant. Template credits: \href{https://github.com/biplab37/Project-Report/tree/master/UG\%20thesis/Thesis\%20Report}{Biplab Mahato}.
\chapter*{\centering Abstract}
\hspace{15pt} Quick summary of the thesis.
{\hypersetup{linkcolor=black} \tableofcontents}
\part{If you need parts}
\section{First topic}
Example reference~\cite{Kitaev2003}
\section{Method 1}
\subsection{Something more}
\part{Something else}