Inofficial Thesis Template for FH Aachen
Markus Werle
Last Updated
2 anni fa
Other (as stated in the work)
This is an inofficial template for a thesis for FH Aachen.
% Replace by useful values!
organization={FH Aachen},
title={The Title of this Thesis},
type={Mini Thesis},
faculty={Faculty of Aerospace Engineering},
department={Department of Alternative\\ Propulsion Systems},
author={Potter, Harry and Granger, Hermione},
examiner={Esch, Thomas, Prof. Dr.-Ing},
secondExaminer={Werle, Markus, Dipl.-Ing}
\printbibliography[heading=bibnumbered, title={Bibliography}]
% This command would add *all** non-mentioned glossary entries (e.g. the acronyms)
% \glsaddall
% It's better to mention those in the text via
% \acrlong{BMS}, \acrshort{BMS}, and \acrfull{BMS}.
% Because then the page numbers occur correctly in the list of acronyms
\printglossary[type=symbolslist,style=symbunitlong,title=List of Symbols]
\printglossary[type=acronym, title=List of Abbreviations]
\printglossary[type=glossaryx, title=Glossary]