KFUPM Thesis/desertation Template
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2 anni fa
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King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) LaTeX template for thesis
Uploaded by FETHI OUERDANEKing Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) LaTeX template for thesis
%% This is the template for writing Thesis in LaTeX for the Graduate Students of King Fahd University of
%% Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, K.S.A.
%% All the Comments are written with the line starting with '%%'. They should not be removed.
%% Please make sure to have the class file named: 'kfupm_thesis.cls'. PLEASE DO NOT ALTER IT!
%% Carefully read the comments in the following documnent and add/edit only where mentioned.
%% In order to enable a line remove the preceeding '%' sign and to disable a line insert '%' at the start.
%% Please make sure that you have the compatible versions of MikTex installed prioir to using this
%% template.
%% Go through the Thesis Writing manual and the Latex guidelines document available at the DGS website.
%% Always ensure that only one \documentclass{} line is enabled at one time
%% For MS Thesis enable the next line
\documentclass[ms,twoside, 12pt]{kfupm_thesis}
%For green card title page enable the following line
%\documentclass[printready,ms,twoside, 12pt]{kfupm_thesis}
%% For PhD Thesis enable the next line
%\documentclass[phd,twoside, 12pt]{kfupm_thesis}
%For green card title page enable the following line
%\documentclass[printready,phd,twoside, 12pt]{kfupm_thesis}
% The following file defines margins and text width
% The following file defines the inclusion of packages and some other required commands
% The following file defines the settings for including List of Abbreviations
% The following file defines the list of abbreviations
\setotherlanguage{arabic} %
%We have to define an Arabic font
\let\maketitle\keptmaketitle %
%added to overcome the text strecting from top to bottom when using openright
% The following file defines the title, author, advisers etc.
% The following file defines the copyright
% The following file defines the dedication page
% The following file defines the acknowledgments
%Printing list of symbols and abbreviations
%setting the width of the labels the same as 2.5cm as required by DGS template
\setlist[description]{leftmargin=!, labelwidth=2.5cm, font=\normalfont} %
\printglossary[title=LIST OF SYMBOLS, toctitle=LIST OF SYMBOLS, nogroupskip] %
\printglossary[title=LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS, toctitle=LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS,type=\acronymtype,
nogroupskip] %
\setlist[description]{style=standard} %
% The following file defines the Thesis abstract
% The following file defines the contents of Chapter One of the Thesis
% The following file defines the contents of Chapter Two of the Thesis
% The following file defines the appendices if needed
% The following file defines the inclusion of the References used in the Thesis
% The following file defines the CV of the student