KTH report template
Salvar A.J.
Last Updated:
2 anni fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
KTH essay/report template

Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\geometry{legalpaper, portrait, margin=2cm}
% Title page
\title{Essay title\\\Large{Course name/code/subtitle}}
\author{Aurhor \\ KTH Royal Institute of Technology\\ School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health}
% Header and footer
\fancyhead[L]{\textbf{Course name}\\\textbf{course code}}
\fancyhead[R]{\textbf{Aurthor}\\ email@kth.se}
% Begin page numbers
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Introduction} % For the contents page
Name1 Surname1, Name2 Surname2, Name3 Surname3
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of ...
Contributions of the authors:
Name1 Surname1 made 10 cups of coffee.
Name2 Surname2 typed the text
Name3 Surname3 accumulated the reference list
The introduction summarizes background knowledge for your project. It should contain quite
a bit more than one would find in a scientific paper since it’s important that your reviewers
and the examiner can understand what your project is about.
Subdividing the introduction into different topics can add structure to the report.
The same is true for the following two sections.
Length and layout of the report
In total the report shouldn't contain more than about 10 pages of text. This does not include
figures, tables and equations. The reference list is not counted as text either.
The text should be written single spaced in some legible size 12 font, for example Times.
A citation, uses the ref.bib file.\cite{Beauchamp2015}
Recommend \href{https://www.doi2bib.org/}{https://www.doi2bib.org/} for getting .bib style references to insert into the ref.bib file.
\section*{Materials and Methods}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Materials and Methods}
This section contains only information about what was done, how it was done and with what
instrumentation, algorithms, computer programs, chemicals and so on.
No results should be discussed here and nothing should be concluded.
It’s important that every author contributes to the project in a well defined way.
The contribution of each author has to be stated in detail on the first page of the report (see
above) and each author is expected to present at least their contribution and also answer
questions from the reviewers.
It’s best to use Equation Editor to write equations if you use Word. If you use another text
editor, such as Latex, you’ll know better than me what to do.
Equations that you refer to in the text should be numbered.
\section*{Results (and discussion)}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Results (and discussion)}
This is where the results are presented and can also be discussed, but discussion can also be
kept for the next section. Do what seems more natural for your text.
Figures and tables should be numbered and have captions and have to be referred to and
explained a bit more in the text.
A figure caption is located below the figure a table caption above the table.
Use something like Endnote to organize your references and format them as (name, year) in
the text so that they are in alphabetical order in the reference list.
\paragraph{Paragraphs} are often helpful.
\section*{Discussions (and conclusions)}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Discussions (and conclusions)}
Here you discuss your results and their limitations and present conclusions if possible.