Ben Jones
Last Updated
2 anni fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for writing lecture notes (mainly in the Mathematical Sciences) with coloured boxes
%%% https://www.overleaf.com/learn is a very good resource for mastering LaTeX
%%% These lines tell the arara program how to compile the document
%%% pdflatex builds the pdf
%%% biber builds the bibliography if you have one
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: biber
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
%%% the following line will tidy up all these extra files that the compiler produces
% arara: clean : {extensions:[aux,bbl,bcf,blg,glg,glo,gls,idx,ilg,ind,ist,lof,lol,lot,nlo,nls,out,ptc,toc,run.xml]}
\documentclass[a4paper, 14pt, extrafontsizes, oneside, openany, x11names]{memoir} % specifies the document class and its options
% You can change 12pt to other sizes
% The memoir class is generally used for writing reports, books, and theses but
% can make any kind of document and looks really nice
\input{preamble/packages.tex} % imports the packages.tex file from the preamble directory
\input{preamble/environments.tex} % imports the environments.tex file from the preamble directory
\input{preamble/macros.tex} % imports the macros.tex file from the preamble directory
\input{preamble/settings.tex} % imports the settings.tex file from the preamble directory
\addbibresource{bib/library.bib} % this is your list of references (you can use Zotero to organise your references and generate a bib file)
\begin{document} % starts the document
\frontmatter % formats the stuff before the main document begins
\input{preamble/titlepage.tex} % imports the titlepage.tex file from the preamble directory
\clearpage % starts a new page
\pagestyle{contents} % specifies how to format the table of contents
\tableofcontents* % produces the table of contents
\clearpage % starts a new page
\mainmatter % formats the main document
\chapter{First chapter}\label{chapter1} % begins a chapter and labels it for cross-referencing
\input{chapters/chapter1/section1.tex} % imports the section1.tex file from the chapters/chapter1 directory
\chapter{First appendix}\label{appendix1} % begins an appendix and labels it for cross-referencing
\backmatter % formats the stuff after the main document
\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc] % prints the bibliography and puts it in the table of contents
\end{document} % ends the document