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% Adds personalized commands
\newcommand{\example}[1][Example Code]{\begin{block}{Exempel:}\small{#1}\end{block}}%
% Caption settings
\captionsetup[table]{name = Tabell}
\captionsetup[figure]{name = Figur}
% Setting the LiU Theme
%% Standard colors {blue, green, turquoise} for title, outline and end pages
%% Complementary colors {orange, purple, yellow, gray} for some details
%% All colors {blue, green, turquoise, orange, purple, yellow, gray} for blocks
%% Font schemes {latex, standard, sansserif, calibri, liu} to use
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%nooutline, %
%% Add navigation symbols with {navigation}
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%% Show institute in title frame
%% Show outline in two columns
%% Add a text on end page, leave blank to add author
\finaltext{Tack för idag!}
%% Presentation information
\title[Course code - Lecture number]{Title}
\institute{Avdelningen för statistik och maskininlärning\\
Institutionen för datavetenskap \\
Linköpings universitet}
%% Begin the document
% Adding references with their key
\section{Section 1}
\begin{frame}{Frame 1}
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\end{frame} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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