% A CV template inspired by simple websites with a main infinite scroll body and a little navigation at the side.
% available options are: turquoise, red, lighthipsterblue, rose, blue, pastelgreen,
% as well as: grey, allblack
\usepackage[familydefault,light]{Chivo} %% Option 'familydefault' only if the base font of the document is to be sans serif
\title{Monocol Navbar CV}
\author{\LaTeX{} Ninja}
\date{December 2019}
%\begin{center}\hspace{-2cm}\headername{JACK}{\color{black!80} SPARROW}\end{center}\vspace{1cm}
\faEnvelopeO~The Black Pearl \\
\faMapMarker~Tortuga \\ \faPhone~0099/333 564 \\ \faAt~\protect\url{jack@sparrow.com} \\
\faHome~\protect\url{sparrow.com} \\
\adressline{The Black Pearl, Tortuga, The East Indies. The Black Pearl, Tortuga, The East Indies.}
\linkedin{Jack Sparrow}
\begin{tabular}{r >{\small}p{\paracolwidth} >{\small\itshape\color{cvcolour}}r}
2014 & \textbf{Programming,} C++, C & Tortuga \\
2011 & \textbf{Web,} JavaScript & Port Royal \\
1690 & \textbf{Spoken,} English, French & London \\
2014 & \textbf{Programming,} C++, C & Tortuga \\
2011 & \textbf{Web,} JavaScript & Port Royal \\
1690 & \textbf{Spoken,} English, French & London \\
\progressarc{2mm}{cvcolour}{1cm}{cvaltcolour}{\large\bf \textbf{.cpp}}{Object-Oriented \\ Programming}{below}{40} \hfill \progressarc{2mm}{cvcolour}{1cm}{cvaltcolour}{\large\bf \textbf{.py}}{General \\ Purpose}{below}{70} \hfill
\progressarc{2mm}{cvcolour}{1cm}{cvaltcolour}{\large\bf \textbf{.r}}{Stylo- \\ metry}{below}{55} \hfill
\progressarc{2mm}{cvcolour}{1cm}{cvaltcolour}{\large\bf \textbf{.cpp}}{Object-Oriented \\ Programming}{below}{40}
\begin{tabular}{r >{\small}p{\paracolwidth} >{\small\itshape\color{cvcolour}}r}
2014 & \textbf{Programming,} C++, C & Tortuga \\
2011 & \textbf{Web,} JavaScript & Port Royal \\
1690 & \textbf{Spoken,} English, French & London \\
\textsc{\large International}\\[0.5em]
\begin{tabular}{r >{\small}p{\paracolwidth} >{\small\itshape\color{cvcolour}}r}
1690 & \textbf{Spoken,} English, French & London \\
2014 & \textbf{Programming,} C++, C & Tortuga \\
2011 & \textbf{Web,} JavaScript & Port Royal \\
1690 & \textbf{Spoken,} English, French & London
\fancysection{cvcolour}{Com}{munication Skills}
\begin{tabular}{>{\small\bfseries}r >{\small}p{\paracolwidth}}
Friendliness & Very Good \\
Parler & Master Level \\
Spoken & English, French
\cvdegree{1710}{Captain}{Mag.}{\ssmall Tortuga Uni }{} \\
\cvdegree{1715}{Bucaneering}{M.A.}{\ssmall London }{} \\
\cvdegree{1720}{Bucaneering}{B.A.}{\ssmall London }{}
\progressarc{1mm}{cvcolour}{0.5cm}{cvaltcolour}{.cpp}{\footnotesize Games}{below}{40} \hfill \progressarc{1mm}{cvcolour}{0.5cm}{cvaltcolour}{.py}{Python}{below}{70} \hfill
\progressarc{1mm}{cvcolour}{0.5cm}{cvaltcolour}{.r}{Stylo}{below}{55} \hfill
html & \barrule{0.4}{0.25em}{cvcolour}\\
\LaTeX{} & \barrule{0.55}{0.25em}{cvcolour} \\
py & \barrule{0.5}{0.25em}{cvcolour} \\
r & \barrule{0.25}{0.25em}{cvcolour} \\
js & \barrule{0.1}{0.25em}{cvcolour} \\
\fancysection{cvcolour}{Sho}{rt Resumé}
\begin{tabular}{r| p{\paracolwidth}}
\cvevent{2018--2021}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{East Indies \color{cvaltcolour}}{Finally got the goddamn ship back.\lorem\lorem} \\
\cvevent{2016--2017}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{Tortuga \color{cvaltcolour}}{Found a secret treasure, lost the ship. \lorem}
\begin{tabular}{r @{\hspace{0.2em}}l}
html & \barrule{0.4}{0.5em}{cvcolour}\\
\LaTeX{} & \barrule{0.55}{0.5em}{cvcolour} \\
python & \barrule{0.5}{0.5em}{cvcolour} \\
r & \barrule{0.25}{0.5em}{cvcolour} \\
js & \barrule{0.1}{0.5em}{cvcolour} \\
\fancysection{cvcolour}{Cer}{tificates \& Grants}
\begin{tabular}{>{\small\bfseries}r >{\small}p{0.55\textwidth}}
1708 & Captain's Certificates \\
1710 & Travel grant \\
1715--1716 & Grant from the Pirate's Company
\fancysection{cvcolour}{Cer}{tificates \& Grants}
\begin{tabular}{>{\small\bfseries}r >{\small}p{0.55\textwidth}}
1708 & Captain's Certificates \\
1710 & Travel grant \\
1710 & Travel grant \\
1715--1716 & Grant from the Pirate's Company
\begin{tabular}{l | l}
\textbf{English} & {\phantom{x}\small native} \\
\textbf{French} & \pictofraction{\faCircle}{cvcolour}{2}{black!30}{1}{\tiny} \\
\textbf{Spanish} & \pictofraction{\faCircle}{cvcolour}{1}{black!30}{2}{\tiny} \\
\textbf{Italian} & \pictofraction{\faCircle}{cvcolour}{2}{black!30}{1}{\tiny}
\begin{tabular}{>{\small\bfseries}r >{\small}p{\paracolwidth}}
1729 & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
1720 & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720). \\
1729 & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
1720 & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720).
\begin{tabular}{r p{\paracolwidth}}
\cvdegree{1710}{Captain and Chief of Bucaneering}{Mag.}{Royal Tortuga University of the Crown}{} \\
\cvdegree{1715}{Bucaneering}{M.A.}{London }{} \\
\cvdegree{1720}{Bucaneering}{B.A.}{London }{}
\section{Invited Talks}
\begin{tabular}{>{\small\bfseries}r >{\small}p{\paracolwidth}}
Nov. 1726 & ``How I lost my ship (\& and how to get it back)'', at: \emph{Annual Pirate's Conference} in Tortuga, Nov. 1726. \\
May 1730 & ``There and Back Again'', at: \emph{Annual LOTR Conference} in Mordor, May 1730.
\begin{tabular}{r >{\small}p{\paracolwidth} >{\small\itshape\color{cvcolour}}r}
2014 & \textbf{Programming,} C++, C & Tortuga \\
2011 & \textbf{Web,} JavaScript & Port Royal \\
1690 & \textbf{Spoken,} English, French & London \\
2014 & \textbf{Programming,} C++, C & Tortuga \\
2011 & \textbf{Web,} JavaScript & Port Royal \\
1690 & \textbf{Spoken,} English, French & London \\
\begin{tabular}{r| p{\paracolwidth}}
\cvevent{2018--2021}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{East Indies \color{cvaltcolour}}{Finally got the goddamn ship back.\lorem\lorem} \\
\cvevent{2018--2021}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{East Indies \color{cvaltcolour}}{Finally got the goddamn ship back.} \\
\cvevent{2016--2017}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Lead}{Tortuga \color{cvaltcolour}}{Found a secret treasure, lost the ship. \lorem}
\begin{tabular}{>{\small\bfseries}r >{\small}p{\paracolwidth}}
1729 & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
1720 & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720). \\
1729 & \emph{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}, Tortuga Printing Press. \\
1720 & ``Privateering for Beginners'', in: \emph{The Pragmatic Pirate} (1/1720).
\begin{tabular}{r >{\small}p{\paracolwidth} >{\small\itshape\color{cvcolour}}r}
2014 & \textbf{Programming,} C++, C & Tortuga \\
2011 & \textbf{Web,} JavaScript & Port Royal \\
1690 & \textbf{Spoken,} English, French & London \\
2014 & \textbf{Programming,} C++, C & Tortuga \\
2011 & \textbf{Web,} JavaScript & Port Royal \\
1690 & \textbf{Spoken,} English, French & London \\