NSUT TnP Resume
Pravina, Harsh Varshney
Last Updated
7 mesi fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Resume template as suggested by Netaji Subhas University of Technology's Training and Placement Cell
\newcommand{\resitem}[1]{\item #1 \vspace{-2pt}}
\newcommand{\resheading}[1]{{\small \colorbox{mygrey} { \begin{minipage}{0.99\textwidth}{\textbf{#1 \vphantom{p\^{E}}}}\end{minipage}}}}
\begin{tabular*}{6.62in}{l @{\extracolsep{\fill}} r}
\textsc{{\textbf{#1}}} & \rightline\textsc{\textit{[#2]}} \\
\textbf{\Large{Your Name}}\\ \vspace{0.4em}
+91-9999999999 |
\href{mailto:your.email@example.com}{Email} |
\resheading{\textbf{EDUCATION} }\\
\textbf{Course} & \textbf{College / University} & \textbf{Year} & \textbf{CGPA / \%} \\
B.Tech (Your Branch) & Netaji Subhas University of Technology & 20XX & 8.00 \\
Board (Class XII) & Your School Name & 20XX & 90 \\
Board (Class X) & Your School Name & 20XX & 90
\resheading{\textbf{INTERNSHIP} }\\[-0.35cm]
\item \textbf{Your Internship Title | Company Name | Location}\hfill \textbf{Month Year - Month Year}
\item Mention your key responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.
\item Mention your key responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.
\item Mention your key responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.
\item \textbf{Your Internship Title | Company Name | Location}\hfill \textbf{Month Year - Month Year}
\item Mention your key responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.
\item Mention your key responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.
\item Mention your key responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.
\resheading{\textbf{PROJECT} }\\[-0.35cm]
\begin{itemize} [noitemsep]
\item \textbf{Your Project Title}
\begin{itemize} [noitemsep]
\item Mention the tech stack used and describe the project in bullet points.
\item Mention the tech stack used and describe the project in bullet points.
\item \textbf{Your Project Title}
\begin{itemize} [noitemsep]
\item Mention the tech stack used and describe the project in bullet points.
\item Mention the tech stack used and describe the project in bullet points.
\resheading{\textbf{POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY} }\\[-0.35cm]
\item \textbf{Your Position | Organization/Event Name}\hfill \textbf{Month Year - Month Year}
\begin{itemize} [noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
\item Mention your responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.
\item Mention your responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.
\item Mention your responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.
\item Mention your responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.
\item \textbf{Your Position | Organization/Event Name}\hfill \textbf{Month Year - Month Year}
\begin{itemize} [noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
\item Mention your responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.
\item Mention your responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.
\item Mention your responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.
\item Mention your responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.
% Add more positions if needed
\resheading{\textbf{ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS}}\\[-0.35cm]
\item Mention any notable academic achievements, such as exam scores or rankings.
\resheading{\textbf{OTHER INFORMATION}}\\[-0.35cm]
\item \textbf{Technical Skills \& Tools}: List any relevant technical skills you possess. \\[-0.6cm]