Pirate Engineer Template
Pietro Di Leo
Last Updated
2 anni fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
CV template for engineers, programmers or science people, with a bit of piracy. It is based on Hipster CV but with some modifications.
% Preamble
% Compile with XeLateX
\documentclass[11 pt,oneside,a4paper,titlepage]{article}
\simpleheader{titleBackColor}{Jack}{Sparrow}{Captain | Pirate}{white}
% Start Minipages
\vspace*{3.49cm}% start 8 cm from the top of the page}
\adjustbox{valign=t}{\begin{minipage}{7.3cm} % large 7.4 cm from the top
\vspace*{1.2cm} % text starts 1cm under the top of the minipage
% Picture
minimum size=\cvPictureWidth,
path picture={
\node at (path picture bounding box.center){
% Profile section
\ruleline{\textbf{About me}}
\lipsum[150] %
% Contact Section
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt}]
\matrix [
column 1/.style={anchor=center,contactIcon},
column 2/.style={anchor=west,align=left,contactIcon},
column sep=5pt,
row sep=5pt] (contact) {
& \node{Born on xx/xx/1690, Age ??};\\
& \node{\href{mailto:jacksparrow@yahoo.it}{jacksparrow@yahoo.it}};\\
& \node{\href{mailto:jacksparrow2@yahoo.it}{jacksparrow2@yahoo.it}};\\
& \node{+39 xxxxxxxxxx};\\
& \node{Tortuga Street 9 \\ ZIPCODE City (TG), Country};\\
& \node{\href{your LinkedIn Link here}{jack-sparrow}};\\
& \node{\href{your Research Gate Link here}{Research Gate: Jack}};\\
& \node{\href{your Orcid Link here}{ORCID: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx}};\\
& \node{Car Available, Driving License B};\\
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt}]
\matrix [
column 1/.style={anchor=center,contactIcon},
column 2/.style={anchor=west,align=left,contactIcon},
column sep=5pt,
row sep=5pt] (contact) {
& \node{English - Native Language)};\\
& \node{Italian - Professional Knowledge};\\
& \node{Spanish - Basic Knowledge};\\
& \node{French - Professional Knowledge};\\
% QR Code
\end{minipage}} %
%%%%% MAIN SECTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\section*{{\faGraduationCap} EDUCATION}
\MySection{2018-Ongoing}{Ship.png}{Master Degree}{Pirate University}{Tortuga, Caribbean}{Faculty}{A description of your piracy. \\\textbf{Degree: 110/110 cum laude}}
\MySection{2016-2018}{Jolly-Roger.png}{Bachelor Degree}{Tortuga Academy}{East Indies}{Buccaneer}{Attacking and robbing ships at sea. \lipsum[150]\\\textbf{Degree: 110/110}}
% Work Experience
\section*{{\faSuitcase} WORK EXPERIENCE}
\MySectionNoPic{2018-Today}{Captain of the Black Pearl}{Tortuga, Caribbean}{Your Company}{Found a secret treasure, lost the ship. \lipsum[12]}
\MySectionNoPic{2010-2020}{Freelance Pirate}{Tortuga, Caribbean}{Buccaneering SPA}{\lipsum[24]}
% Publications
\section*{{\aiOBP} PUBLICATIONS}
\publication{Journal Article}{1729}{How I almost got killed by Lady Swan}{Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swan, William Turner III, Davy Jones}{Tortuga Printing Press}{10.3389/doicodedoicode}
\publication{Abstract}{1725}{The Kraken and other stories}{Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa, Jack the Monkey, Joshamee Gibbs}{1st Congress of Pirate}{10.1016/doicodedoicode}
\publication{Conference Proceedings}{1724}{How I lost my ship and how to get it back}{Jack Sparrow}{Conference in Tortuga}{10.5220/doidoidoi}
\end{minipage}} %
% Second Page
\newpageheader{titleBackColor}{Jack}{Sparrow}{Pirate \faLightbulbO \hspace{1mm} Captain}{white}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SIDEBAR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\vspace*{0.4cm} % text starts 0.4cm under the top the header
% Skill and Strengths
\ruleline{\textbf{Soft Skills and Strengths}}
\cvtag{Creativity}\cvtag{Curiosity}\cvtag{Flexibility}\cvtag{Self Confidence}\cvtag{Ability to Plan and Organize} \cvtag{Autonomy}\cvtag{Adaptability} \cvtag{Eye for Details}\cvtag{Problem Solving}\cvtag{Team Working}\cvtag{Love Learning New Things}\cvtag{Leadership}\cvtag{Good Communication}\cvtag{Managing Information}\cvtag{Diplomacy}\cvtag{Good Listener}\cvtag{Patience}
% Professional Skills
\ruleline{\textbf{Professional Skills}}
\cvtag{Skill 1}\cvtag{Skill 2}\cvtag{Skill 3}\cvtag{Skill 4}\cvtag{Skill 5}
% Other Interests
\ruleline{\textbf{Other Interests}}
\item Guitar \flag{Guitar.png}
\item Piano \flag{Piano.png}
\item Chess \flag{Chess.png}
\item Gym \flag{Gym.png}
\item Travels \flag{Travels.png}
\item Movies \flag{movie2.png}
\item Books \flag{Books.png}
% QR Code
\ruleline{\textbf{Download My CV}}
Download my CV via the QR below \aiOverleaf.
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k5pheguf9jrur8x/AADpyjYJi7V5bhPyJeP3H74ea?dl=0} \\
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MAIN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Peer Reviews
\section*{{\faBook} ACADEMIC PEER REVIEWS}
\footnotesize I did academic peer review for the following journals:
\item{\textbf{Scientific Piracy}, IF: 4.996 (1720), September 1720;}
% Information Technology Skills
\ITCcompetence{Data Analysis}{
\textbf{MATLAB}: \textit{Higly Specialized}\\
\textbf{Wolfram Mathematica}: \textit{Intermediate}\\
\textbf{Jupiter Notebook}: \textit{Intermediate}\\
\ITCcompetence{Modeling and Simulation}{
\textbf{Simulink} : \textit{Intermediate} \\
\textbf{LTSpice}: \textit{Intermediate}
\ITCcompetence{Audio Processing}{
\textbf{Reaper} : \textit{Advanced} \\
\ITCcompetence{Office Automation}{
\textbf{MS Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)}: \textit{Higly Specialized}\\
\textbf{\LaTeX}: \textit{Advanced}\\
% Programming Languages
\section*{{\faCode} PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES}
\item \textbf{Matlab}: Highly Specialised
\item \textbf{Python}: Advanced
\item \textbf{SQL}: Intermediate
\item \textbf{C/C++}: Intermediate
\item \textbf{Java}: Basic
% Certificates
\section*{{\faCertificate} CERTIFICATES}
\hfill \vline \hfill
\item Python for Data Science, AI \& Development (\textit{Coursera, 2022})
\hfill \vline \hfill
\item Pirate Processing with MATLAB (\textit{Mathworks, 2022})
\item Signal Processing with MATLAB (\textit{Mathworks, 2022})
\item Deep Learning with MATLAB (\textit{Mathworks, 2022})
\item Machine Learning with MATLAB (\textit{Mathworks, 2021})
\hfill \vline \hfill
\item How to became a Web Pirate (\textit{Google Pirate School, 2022})
\item item 2
\item item 3
\item item 4