Presentation template for Master and PhD by Prof. K. GUESMI Univ. Djelfa
Prof. Kamel GUESMI
Last Updated
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Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Presentation template for Master and PhD
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\title{Control and stabilization of delayed systems }
\author{ \Large \textbf{Xxxx YYYYYY} }
\institute{\large\textbf{Master Automatic control and systems }\\
Faculty Sciences and Technology\\
University of Djelfa}
\footnotesize{\date{\today }
\begin{frame}{ Summery}
\footnotesize \tableofcontents
\large Motivations:
\item Most systems are nonlinear
\item Delay complicates the system analysis
\item Delay can lead to the system instability
\item ...
The TS fuzzy model can be justified by:
\item Its simplicity
\item Uncertainties
\item Its acceptable accuracy
\item ....
\quad \\
The system can be modeled as:
{ }^C D^\alpha x(t)=f(x(t),x(t-\tau(t)),u(t)),\, t \geq 0, \\
x(s)=\varphi(s),\, s \in[-\tau, 0]
$x(t) \in \Re ^{n}$ the system state\\
$u(t) \in \Re ^{m}$ the control vector \\
$\tau$: the delay
\begin{block}{Lemma 1}
I(x,t)=\int_{a(t)}^{b(t)} f(x,t) \,dx \ \ , \ a(t) \And b(t)<\infty
$a(t)$ و $b(t)$
and $f(x,t)$
\frac{d(I(x,t))}{dt}=\frac{db(t)}{dt}f(b(t),t)-\frac{da(t)}{dt}f(a(t),t)+\int_{a(t)}^{b(t)} \frac{\partial f(x,t)}{\partial t} \,dx
\begin{block}{Lemma 2}
I(x,t)=\int_{a(t)}^{b(t)} f(x,t) \,dx \ \ , \ a(t) \And b(t)<\infty
$a(t)$ و $b(t)$
and $f(x,t)$
\frac{d(I(x,t))}{dt}=\frac{db(t)}{dt}f(b(t),t)-\frac{da(t)}{dt}f(a(t),t)+\int_{a(t)}^{b(t)} \frac{\partial f(x,t)}{\partial t} \,dx
\end{frame} %.............................................................
\section{Control without delay}
Let's consider:
{\Omega_{ii}}< 0,\ (i=1,2,...r) , \\
{\Omega_{ij}}+{\Omega_{ji}}<0,\ i<j ,\ i,j=1,2,...r
\Omega_{ij}= \left[\begin{array}{cccc}
PA_i+A_i^TP^T+PB_iK_j+K_j^TB_i^TP^T+Q& PA_{di}& A_i^TN^T+K_j^TB_i^TN^T & 0 \\ *& -(1-\mu)Q& A_{di}^TN^T & 0\\ *&*&\tau^2R-N-N^T & 0\\ * &* &* &-R
\section{Proposed controller}
We consider:
$u(t)=\sum_{i=1}^{r} h_{i}(\theta(t))[K_{i}x(t)+K_{di}x(t-\tau(t)]$
\begin{block}{Theorem }
\Bar{\Omega_{ii}}< 0,\ i=1,2,...r \\
\Bar{\Omega_{ij}}+\Bar{\Omega_{ji}}<0,\ i<j ,\ i,j=1,2,...r
$ \Bar{\Omega_{ij}}=\left[\begin{array}{cccc}
A_iX+X^TA_i^T+B_iY_j+Y_j^TB_i^T+\Bar{Q}& A_{di}X+B_iY_{dj}& \epsilon X^T A_i^T+\epsilon Y_j^TB_i^T & 0 \\ *& _(1-\mu)\Bar{Q}& \epsilon X^T A_{di}^T+\epsilon Y_{di}^TB_i^T & 0\\ *&*&\tau^2\Bar{R}-\epsilon X-\epsilon X^T & 0\\ *&*&*&-\Bar{R}
$K_j=Y_jX^{-1}$ و $K_{dj}=Y_{dj}X^{-1}(j=1,2,...r)$
\section{Simulation results}
System behavior without controller
\caption{System state}
System unstable
System behavior with controller
\caption{Control signal }
System behavior with controller
\caption{System state}
The system is stable but it needs more enhancement
System behavior with the proposed controller
\caption{Proposed controller signal }
System behavior with the proposed controller
\caption{System state with the proposed controller }
\textcolor{blue}{ Stability + better performance}
Quantification of the comparative study
& Classical controller & Proposed controller & Enhancement rate \\
Settling time & $26$ & $20$ & 23 \% \\
Pic to pic $x_3$ &$1.36$ & $1.16 $ &15 \% \\
$\int\limits_0^{ts}(x_3^2)dt $
& $2.5540$ & $0.7771$& 70 \% \\
$ \int\limits_0^{ts}(u^2)dt$ & $12.8476$ & $7.1868$& 40 \% \\
\caption{Quantification of the comparative study}
We remark that
\item \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Enhancement of the settling time of $23\%$}}
\item \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{ Reduction of the control energy by $40\%$}}
\item \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{ Overall enhancement by $70\%$ }}
\item \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{ Pic to pic reduction by $15\%$}}
\section{Conclusion and Perspectives}
We conclude that:
\item \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Lyapunov method efficiency.}}
\item \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Proposed controller leads to better performance.}}
\item \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Delayed controller enhances the performance.}}
\item \textcolor{blue}{\textbf{Proposed approach allows reduction of the control energy.}}
As perspectives we propose:
\item Perspective 1.
\item Perspective 2.
\item Perspective 3.