%The document class file
% Introduction to template
%This template is adapted from The University of Queensland Graduate School Official LaTeX Thesis template.
% Most important instructions have been CAPITALISED.
% To uncomment an inactive command (if required) remove the % from in front of the command.
% Please see the README for more information.
% This file loads the necessary packages, sets the page styles, and defines required macros.
% Other tweaks can be made in qutthesis.cls, but change these at your own risk!
% ***************************************************
% Title page
% ***************************************************
\title{\LARGE Research Title}
\author{Your Name}
\currentdegrees{Current degree}
\date{\large 2021}
\submittedfor{\large Bachelor of IT (Honours)}
%Use Title Case (capitalise every word which is not a conjunction or preposition).
%See - http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2012/03/title-case-and-sentence-case-capitalization-in-apa-style.html - for help.
\school{\textbf{\normalsize School of Information Systems}}
\university{\textbf{\normalsize Queensland University of Technology}}
% *************************************************
% front Matter
% - Supervisory Panel
% - Abstract
% - Table of contents
% - List of tables
% - List of figures
% - Statement of Original Authorship
% - Acknowledgements
% Assemble title page
\chapter{Supervisory Panel}
% ***************************************************
\noindent\textbf{Dr. Supervisor}
\noindent Brief introduction of your principle supervisor.
Brief introduction of your principle supervisor.
Brief introduction of your principle supervisor.
Brief introduction of your principle supervisor.
\noindent\textbf{Dr. Supervisor}
\noindent Brief introduction of your associate supervisor.
Brief introduction
Brief introduction
Brief introduction
% \chapter{Keywords}
% ***************************************************
\chapter{Statement of Original Authorship}
% ***************************************************
% ***************************************************
% ***************************************************
% Main Matter - Thesis Content
\input{./MainThesis/2_Literature Review.tex}
\input{./MainThesis/3_Research Design.tex}
% *************************************************
% Back Matter