%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
% Awesome CV LaTeX Template for CV/Resume
% Original author:
% Claud D. Park <posquit0.bj@gmail.com>
% http://www.posquit0.com
% Modifications by:
% Junjie Yin <yinjunjie98@gmail.com>
% Template license:
% CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)
% A4 paper size by default, use 'letterpaper' for US letter
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{awesome-cv}
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
% Configure page margins with geometry
\geometry{left=1.4cm, top=.8cm, right=1.4cm, bottom=1.8cm, footskip=.5cm}
% Color for highlights
% Awesome Colors: awesome-emerald, awesome-skyblue, awesome-red, awesome-pink, awesome-orange, awesome-nephritis, awesome-concrete, awesome-darknight, awesome-SEUgreen
% Uncomment if you would like to specify your own color
% Colors for text
% Uncomment if you would like to specify your own color
% \definecolor{darktext}{HTML}{414141}
% \definecolor{text}{HTML}{333333}
% \definecolor{graytext}{HTML}{5D5D5D}
% \definecolor{lighttext}{HTML}{999999}
% Set false if you don't want to highlight section with awesome color
% If you would like to change the social information separator from a pipe (|) to something else
% Comment any of the lines below if they are not required
% Available options: circle|rectangle,edge/noedge,left/right
\position{\ }
%\extrainfo{extra informations}
\location{xxxxxxx, City, Country}
\usepackage{CJK} %use chinsese
% Print the header with above personal informations
% Give optional argument to change alignment(C: center, L: left, R: right)
% Print the footer with 3 arguments(<left>, <center>, <right>)
% Leave any of these blank if they are not needed
{Last updated: \today}%{\today}
{<LastName> <LastName>~~~·~~~Résumé}%Résumé
{\thepage \ / \pageref{LastPage}}%{}
% Each section is imported separately, open each file in turn to modify content
\input{resume/Technical Skills.tex}
\input{resume/Research Projects.tex}
\input{resume/Awards and Honors.tex}
\input{resume/Volunteer Services.tex}