Resume Template
Omkar Prabhu
Last Updated:
4 anni fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A Very Simple LaTeX Resume Template

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A Very Simple LaTeX Resume Template
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}m{0.8\textwidth} m{0.2\textwidth}@{}}
\Large{John Doe} \newline
\href{mailto:johndoe@mailme.com}{johndoe@mailme.com} \textbf{·}
{\fontdimen2\font=0.75ex +1 2345 6789}
} \newline
New York, USA
} &
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\item \frcontent{Dream Company}{Senior Software Engineer - San Fransisco, CA}{Co-designer and co-implementor of five successive generations of Google’s crawling indexing and query retrieval systems.}{August 1999 onwards}
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\item \frcontent{Old Dream Company}{Senior Member of Technical Staff − Texas}{Designer and implementor of a system for retrieving and caching electronic commerce content including a crawler and custom full-text indexing system that allows flexible keyword searching of product information.}{February 1999 to August 1999}
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\item \frcontent{Ph.D. Computer Science}{University of Washington}{}{1996}
\item \frcontent{B.S. Computer Engineering, CGPA: 3.6/4}{University of Minnesota}{}{1990}
\csection{AWARDS \& RECOGNITION}{\small
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\item \frcontent{Fake Academy Fellow}{Fake Academy of Arts and Sciences}{}{2016}
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\item \frcontent{Elon Musk Award}{State of Engineering}{}{2012}
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\item \frcontent{ACM Fellow}{Association for Computing Machinery}{}{2009}
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\item \textbf{Technologies} \newline
{\footnotesize Golang, Python, C++, Tensorflow, Spanner, Bigtable, MapReduce, Google Cloud Platform, Protocol Buffers}{}{}
\item \textbf{Patterns \& Practices} \newline
{\footnotesize Object Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, CI \& CD, Microservices}
\item \textbf{Project Management} \newline
{\footnotesize Agile, Scrum, Google Bug Tracker, Google Workspace}
\item \frcontent{Tensorflow \clink{\href{https://tensorflow.org}{[tensorflow.org]}}}{An open-source machine-learning software library}{}{C++, Python, Bash}
\item \frcontent{LevelDB \clink{\href{http://github.com/google/leveldb}{[github.com/google/leveldb]}}}{An open-source on-disk key-value store}{}{C++}
\item \frcontent{Spanner \clink{\href{http://google.com/spanner}{[google.com/spanner]}}}{A scalable, multi-version, globally distributed, and synchronously replicated database}{}{C++, Java, Bash}
\csection{OTHER HIGHLIGHTS}{\small
\item {\footnotesize Gave talk on \textit{Achieving Rapid Response Times in Large Online Services} at Berkeley AMPLab Cloud.}
\item {\footnotesize Led several teams across infrastructure, founded \textit{Google Brain} and was involved in hiring process.}
\csection{HOBBIES \& INTERESTS}{\small
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{\footnotesize UI/UX} & {\footnotesize Problem Solving} & {\footnotesize Healthcare} & {\footnotesize Open Source}