%corresponding author: Andam Ali MUSTAFA, andam.mustafa@su.edu.krd
\documentclass[oneside,english]{Salahaddin University-Erbil}
% We put all necessary packages and newcommand ...etc in Preamble.sty. Moreover, based on your materials add more packages and newcommands ...etc in Preamble.sty.
inner=2.5cm, % Inner margin
outer=2.5cm, % Outer margin
top=2.5cm, % Top margin
bottom=2.5cm, % Bottom margin
% All the information below that we used on the title page and in necessary places
\thesistitle{The title} % Your thesis title, print it elsewhere with with \ttitle
\author{Your name} % Your name, print it elsewhere with \authorname
\degree{Master$/$PhD} % Your degree name, print it elsewhere with \degreename
\type{Thesis $/$ Dissertation} % Your research type, It will be Thesis or Dissertation, print it elsewhere with \typename
\subject{Your subject area} % Your subject area, print it elsewhere with \subjectname
\FirstSupervisor{First supervisor's name} % Your First supervisor's name, print it elsewhere with \fstsupname
% In case you have Second and Third supervisors
\SecondSupervisor{Second supervisor's name} % Your Second supervisor's name, print it elsewhere with \sndsupname
% \ThirdSupervisor{Third supervisor's name} Your Third supervisor's name, print it elsewhere with \trdsupname
\department{Your department's name} % Your department's name, print it elsewhere with \deptname
% Here we have examiners, please write all the examiners along with their scientific ranks.
\College{Your College's name} % Your College's name, print it elsewhere with \Collegename
\HeadDepartment{The head department} % The head department, print it elsewhere with \hdept
\PostgraduateOffice{The Postgraduate Office} % The Postgraduate Office, print it elsewhere with \poffice
\DeanCollege{The Dean College} % The Dean College with his scientific rank, print it elsewhere with \dcollege
\FirstExaminer{First examiner's name} % print it elsewhere with \fstexamname
\SecondExaminer{Second examiner's name} % print it elsewhere with \sndexamname
\ThirdExaminer{Third examiner's name} % print it elsewhere with \trdexamname
\FourthExaminer{Fourth examiner's name} % print it elsewhere with \fthexamname
\frontmatter %Frontmatter
\input{Frontmatter/Linguistic Review/Linguistic Review}
\input{Frontmatter/Supervisor Certificate/Supervisor Certificate}
\mainmatter %Mainmatter
\setupname % In order to show the letter chapter: in the table of contents before starting the contents of each chapter.
\backmatter %Backmatter
% Kurdish Part
\addtocontents{toc}{\hspace{-0.03cm}\bfseries Summary in Kurdish{\hspace{300pt}I}}
\includepdf[pages=-]{Kurdish Part/Kurdish Part.pdf}