% Resume in Latex
% Author : Gennadii Chursov
% Based off of: https://github.com/sb2nov/resume and https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/jakes-resume/syzfjbzwjncs
% License : MIT
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\newcommand{\resumeSubHeadingListStart}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]}
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% \textbf{\href{http://sourabhbajaj.com/}{\Large Sourabh Bajaj}} & Email : \href{mailto:sourabh@sourabhbajaj.com}{sourabh@sourabhbajaj.com}\\
% \href{http://sourabhbajaj.com/}{http://www.sourabhbajaj.com} & Mobile : +1-123-456-7890 \\
% \end{tabular*}
\textbf{\Huge \scshape Name Surname} \\ \vspace{1pt}
\small \textit{Automation QA Engineer} \\
123-456-7890 $|$ \href{mailto:namesurname@gmail.com}{\underline{namesurname@gmail.com}} $|$
\href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/namesurname/}{\underline{linkedin.com/in/namesurname/}} $|$
Results-oriented and detail-driven Automation Quality Engineer with a strong background in Java programming and a passion for ensuring software reliability. Experienced in designing, implementing, and executing automated test scripts to verify the functionality and performance of software applications. Proven track record of collaborating with development teams to identify and resolve issues early in the development process. Adept at utilizing testing frameworks such as JUnit and incorporating continuous integration tools like Jenkins. Skilled in creating and maintaining automated test suites for web and mobile applications. Committed to delivering high-quality software by applying industry best practices in testing and automation. Seeking opportunities to contribute technical expertise and enhance software development processes as an Automation Quality Engineer.
%-----------PROGRAMMING SKILLS-----------
\section{Technical Skills}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
\textbf{Languages}{: Java, TypeScript, SQL} \\
\textbf{Frameworks}{: Selenium/Selenide, Playwright, RestAssured, JUnit, TestNG, Cucumber} \\
\textbf{Developer Tools}{: Git, Docker, Google Cloud Platform, Maven/Gradle, Grafana, Kibana, Splunk} \\
\textbf{Libraries}{: WireMock, Spring Cloud Contract, Pact, Chaos Monkey}
% -----------Multiple Positions Heading-----------
% \resumeSubSubheading
% {Software Engineer I}{Oct 2014 - Sep 2016}
% \resumeItemListStart
% \resumeItem{Apache Beam}
% {Apache Beam is a unified model for defining both batch and streaming data-parallel processing pipelines}
% \resumeItemListEnd
% \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
{Lead Automation QA Engineer}{Apr. 2020 -- Feb. 2021}
{Somename-bank - it's a big bank with web, API and mobile applications.}{City, Country}
\resumeItem{Created common testing framework (Java, Cucumber, RestAsssured, for component testing in 5+ teams}
\resumeItem{Covered 100\% manual scenarios with automation (Java, Selenide, Cucumber, RestAssured) that decreased regression time from 5 days to 2 days}
\resumeItem{Integrated automation jobs into Jenkins and maintained test automation logs, reporting and verifying
bug resolutions}
\resumeItem{Successfully implemented new processes across 8 teams: created test quality metrics, training
materials, organized onboarding, improving work processes for production defects}
\resumeItem{Contributed to candidate interviews and mentored QA engineers, providing guidance and assigning
\resumeItem{Awarded as "Engineer of the Year - QA", "Delivery team of the Year"}
{Senior Quality Assurance Engineer}{Jul 2017 - Feb 2018}
{Experio, OpenBank}{City, Country}
\resumeItem{Manual testing for a big bank. Worked with CFT, MS Dynamics CRM, 3Card-R, OpenWay Way4.}
{QA Engineer}{Feb 2014 - Jul 2017}
{LANIT BPM}{City, Country}
\resumeItem{Project with medical desktop application, where I participated as a manual QA Engineer and mentored
3 juniors.}
% \section{Projects}
% \resumeSubHeadingListStart
% \resumeProjectHeading
% {\textbf{Gitlytics} $|$ \emph{Python, Flask, React, PostgreSQL, Docker}}{June 2020 -- Present}
% \resumeItemListStart
% \resumeItem{Developed a full-stack web application using with Flask serving a REST API with React as the frontend}
% \resumeItem{Implemented GitHub OAuth to get data from user’s repositories}
% \resumeItem{Visualized GitHub data to show collaboration}
% \resumeItem{Used Celery and Redis for asynchronous tasks}
% \resumeItemListEnd
% \resumeProjectHeading
% {\textbf{Simple Paintball} $|$ \emph{Spigot API, Java, Maven, TravisCI, Git}}{May 2018 -- May 2020}
% \resumeItemListStart
% \resumeItem{Developed a Minecraft server plugin to entertain kids during free time for a previous job}
% \resumeItem{Published plugin to websites gaining 2K+ downloads and an average 4.5/5-star review}
% \resumeItem{Implemented continuous delivery using TravisCI to build the plugin upon new a release}
% \resumeItem{Collaborated with Minecraft server administrators to suggest features and get feedback about the plugin}
% \resumeItemListEnd
% \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
{Name State Technical University}{City, Country}
{Engineer's Degree, Faculty of Electronics and Instrument Making}{2007 - 2012}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
\textbf{Cloud Digital Leader - Google Cloud} \\
\textit{Issued Sep 2022 - Expires Sep 2025} \\