Template Dissertacao Mestrado PPGI
Jaqueline Donin
Last Updated:
un anno fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template Dissertacao Mestrado PPGI
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
%Book style with A4 paper, chapeters start on left page only, using times fonts
% \selectlanguage{english}
% Define o título da tese.
\def\thesisTitle{Título da Dissertação de Mestrado}
% Defina o nome do(a) autor(a) (é o seu nome).
\def\thesisAuthor{Nome do(a) Autor(a)}
% Defina o nome do(a) orientador(a)
\def\thesisAdvisor{Nome do(a) Orientador(a)}
% Defina o nome do(a) co-orientador(a)
% Comente a linha abaixo se não tiver coorientador
\def\thesisCoAdvisor{Nome do(a) Coorientador(a)}
% Includes page number at the bottom of the page.
% Uses small roman numbers for page numbering.
% Resets the page counter to 1.
\include{cover/dedicatoria} % opcional
%Prints the table of contents
% Describes the research line and how the thesis is related with it
% Prints a list of prizes and bibliographic and technical production
% Prints a list of tables
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Lista de Tabelas}
% Prints a list of figures
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Lista de Figuras}
% Prints a list of abbreviations
% Prints a list of symbols
% Fancing heading alternating section and chapter with page count on the top
% Uses arabic numbers (normal numbers) for page numbering.
% Resets the page counter to 1.
% The chapters
%Without the word "section"
\bibliographystyle{apalike-portuguese} % note o uso do pacote natbib (para uso de referencia direta e indireta com \citet, \citep, etc.).
% \bibliographystyle{apalike} % Caso a proposta seja em inglês, descomentar para usar o estilo apalike original que vem com o pacote natbib.
% To start appendices with different chapter numbering