\def\lmdreci{July 1, 2022}
% lmd style needs information bellow ======================================
\def\lmdauthor{F. Author\sep S. Author}%Example:% F. Author\sep S. Author \and Th. Author
\def\lmdtitle{Title of the article}%Example:% Title of Article
\def\lmdtitleLT{Title of the article in Lithuanian}%Example:% Straipsnio pavadinimas
\def\lmdrunauthor{F. Author\sep S. Author}%Example:% F. Author\sep S. Author \and Th. Author
\def\lmdruntitle{Runtitle of Article}%Example:% Runtitle of Article
\def\lmdkeywords{EN...; ...}
\def\lmdkeywordsLT{LT...; ...}
\def\lmdams{..., ...}% 34B24, 05C10
\def\lmdreci{September 1, 2021}
\def\lmdabstractLT{Abstract in Lithuanian}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{...}%Example:% F. Author, S. Author, Th. Author
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{...}%Example:% Title of Article
\index{...}\index{...}\index{...}%\index{Author F.}\index{Author S.}\index{Author Th.}
% ************* Author's references ******************%
@preamble{ "\newcommand{\nosort}[1]{}" }
author = "K. Bingelė and A. Bankauskienė and A. Štikonas" ,
title = "Spectrum Curves for a discrete {S}turm--{L}iouville problem with one integral boundary condition",
journal = "Nonlinear Anal. Model. Control",
year = 2019,
volume = 24,
number = 5,
pages = "755--774",
doi ={10.15388/NA.2019.5.5},
author = "M. Sapagovas",
title = "Diferencialinių lygčių kraštiniai uždaviniai su nelokaliosiomis sąlygomis",
publisher = "Mokslo aidai",
year = "2007",
address= "Vilnius",
% ************* end Author's references ******************%
\spnewtheorem*{west}{Test the West}{\bfseries}{\itshape}
\def\BibTeX{\mbox{{\sc Bib}\TeX}}}{}
% ************* Author's definitions ******************
% ************* end Author's definitions ******************%
%\thankstext{t1}{Title thanks}
%add runauthor at beginning of Your file
%add runtitle at beginning of Your file
%add title at beginning of Your file
%add add all authors at beginning of Your file
\title{\lmdtitle\thanks{...}}%Example:% \lmdtitle\thanks{Project}
\author{F. Author$^\mathrm{a}$\ID{orcid}, S. Author$^\mathrm{a,b}$}%Example:% F. AUTHOR$^\mathrm{a}$\ID{0000-0000-0000-00x1}\sep S. AUTHOR$^\mathrm{b}$\ID{} \and Th. AUTHOR$^\mathrm{c}$\ID{}
\vskip 0.2cm
\institution{$^\mathrm{a}$Institute of Applied Mathematics, Vilnius University}
\address{\ \,Naugarduko 24, LT-03225 Vilnius, Lithuania}
\institution{$^\mathrm{b}$Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius University}
\address{\ \,Naugarduko 24, LT-03225 Vilnius, Lithuania}
\email{aut1@mail.com; aut2@mail.com}%
\LMDJarticle %Editors version
%spell_from this point
\begin{abstract}\lmdabstract\end{abstract}%add abstract at beginning of Your file
\Keywords %add keywords at beginning of Your file
\AMSwords %add AMS Subject at beginning of Your file
% ************* Text entry area ******************%
\section{First section}\label{s:1}
%spell_to this point %********** End of text entry *****************
Example of citation \cite{2007_Sapagovas_book} \cite{2019NA24n5}
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