Texas A&M LAUNCH URS Thesis Template
Tawfik Hussein
Last Updated
un anno fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
New template code for Texas A&M LAUNCH Undergraduate Research Scholars Thesis Program, 2324 Cohort
New template code for Texas A&M LAUNCH Undergraduate Research Scholars Thesis Program, 2324 Cohort
% New template code for the LAUNCH Undergraduate Research Scholars thesis program starting Fall 2019 - Spring 2020, modified by Tawfik Hussein. Version 5.0. Last Updated: 10/09/2023
% Modified from the template code for TAMU Theses and Dissertations starting Spring 2018, authored by Sean Zachary Roberson. Version 3.17.09. Last Updated: 9/21/2017
% _______________________________(0: PREAMBLE)_________________________________
% Most of the packages that set the default settings
% for the document have moved to the style file
% tamuconfig.sty. This includes
%These next lines change the font. Fixes for certain
%fonts will be implemented in a future release.
%Comment this line if you do not wish to use Times
%New Roman. The font used will then be the LaTeX
%default of Computer Modern.
% For natbib-style references, uncomment this.
%This determines the margin length within your document
%(It's set for 1 inch)
%This package allows for the use of graphics in the
%If you have JPEG format images, add .jpg as an
%allowed file extension below. Same for Bitmaps (.bmp).
%It is best practice to keep all your pictures in
%one folder inside the main directory in which your
%TeX file is kept. Here the folder is named "graphic."
%Replace the name here with your folder's name, if needed.
%The period is needed due to relative referencing.
\graphicspath{ {./figures/} }
% For quick document navigation.
\counterwithout{equation}{chapter} % Prevents the numbering for equation to restart with each chapter (i.e., continuous numbering)
\renewcommand{\theequation}{\arabic{equation}} % This makes the equation label as (1) rather than (Eq. 1)
\counterwithout{figure}{chapter} % Prevents the numbering for figures to restart with each chapter (i.e., continuous numbering)
\renewcommand{\thefigure}{\arabic{figure}} % Changes figure caption numbering to its numerical order (e.g. Figure 1) rather than its order in the chapter (e.g. Figure 2.1)
\renewcommand{\thetable}{\arabic{figure}} % Changes table caption numbering to its numerical order (e.g. Table 1) rather than its order in the chapter (e.g. Table 2.1)
\captionsetup[figure]{labelfont=bf} % This makes the figure caption labels boldfaced
\captionsetup[table]{labelfont=bf} % This makes the table caption labels boldfaced
% Algorithm and pseudocode packages
% Please place all your personal packages here. Check to
% see if the packages you wish to use are not already
% declared above. Placing all your personal packages
% here allows me to determine if there are any package
% issues in compilation, as well as any conflicts
% that may arise by the order of loading.
% Begin student defined packages.
% End student defined packages.
% End preamble. Document begins below.
%_________________________________(1: DOCUMENT)_________________________________________________
% The title of your document goes here.
% Spacing may need to be adjusted if your title is long
% and pushes the copyright off the page.
\renewcommand{\tamumanuscripttitle} {\large\textbf{[Type Thesis Title]}}
% Type only Thesis, Dissertation, or Record of Study.
\renewcommand{\tamupapertype}{Undergraduate Research Scholars Thesis}
% Your full name goes here, as it is in university records. Check your student record on Howdy if there is any mismatch.
\renewcommand{\tamufullname}{[Type Name of Individual or Team Member 1 Name\textsuperscript{1}, Team Member 2 Name\textsuperscript{2}, AND Team Member 3 Name\textsuperscript{3}, ...]}
% The degree title goes here. See the OGAPS site for more info.
\renewcommand{\tamudegree}{Undergraduate Research Scholar}
\renewcommand{\tamuchairone}{Chair Name}
%Type only May, August, or December.
\include{data/01-TitlePage} % This is simply a file that formats and adds your title page, please do not edit this unless you have a specific need.
\include{data/03-ToC} % This is simply a file that formats and adds your toc, lof, and lot, please do not edit this unless you have a specific need.
% The next line is the format for inserting new sections.
% Replace the name "newsection" with the name of your
% new section file.
% \include{data/newsection}
% fix spacing in bibliography, if any...
% The bibliography style declared is the IEEE format.
\renewcommand{\bibname}{{\large\ \bf \textcolor{black}{REFERENCES}}}
%This file is a .bib database that contains the sources.
%This removes the dependency on the previous file
% This next line includes appendices. The file
% appendix.tex contains commands pointing to
% the appendix files; be sure to change these
% pointers if you end up changing the filenames.
% Leave this commented if you will not need
% appendix material.