Philip Döbler
Last Updated
3 anni fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for bachelor and master theses carried out at the group of modular supercomputing and quantum computing at Goethe University Frankfurt.
Template for bachelor and master theses carried out at the group of modular supercomputing and quantum computing at Goethe University Frankfurt.
paper = a4,
fontsize = 12pt,
headinclude = true,
% start chapters on the right side
open = right,
% Use twosided layout. Every chapter starts on the right side, therefore sometimes blank pages are added between chapters.
twoside = true,
BCOR = 10mm,
% add lists and bibliography to table of contents
toc = listofnumbered,
toc = bibnumbered,
% enumerate chapters as x.y instead of x.y.
numbers = noendperiod
% use some additional package, add your own below if required
% package for code listings
% package providing colors (e.g. for syntax highlighting in listings)
% package for german language, change to english if required
% package to set the line spacing
% package for hyperlinks (e.g. in the table of contents) and set links to same style as text
% package to create acronyms
% package for pseudocode
\usepackage[german, algochapter, linesnumbered]{algorithm2e}
% package to create diagrams
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
% include acronyms
% avoid bold caption for algorithms to be consistent with other captions
% definitions for syntax highlighting in listings environment
% define custom colors for syntax highlighting in code listings
\definecolor{lst_comments}{rgb}{0, 0.75, 0}
\definecolor{lst_linenumbers}{rgb}{0.2, 0.2, 0.2}
\definecolor{lst_keywords}{rgb}{0, 0, 0.75}
\definecolor{lst_strings}{rgb}{0.75, 0, 0}
\definecolor{lst_background}{rgb}{0.97, 0.97, 0.97}
% define style for listings
% style of the line numbers on the left side
% use monospace font for code and set size to the size of footnotes
% break long lines, if this happens it might be better to manually add a line break at an appropriate place
breaklines = true,
% place caption below the listing
captionpos = b,
% don't drop spaces to fix alignment and always convert tabs to spaces
keepspaces = true,
% place line numbers on the left side
numbers = left,
% distance between line numbers and listing
numbersep = 7pt,
% don't show special characters for spaces
showspaces = false,
% don't show special characters for spaces in strings
showstringspaces = false,
% don't show special characters for tabs
showtabs = false,
% set size of tab to 4 spaces
tabsize = 4
% set style for the document
% set line spacing to 1.5
% use roman numbering for preamble
% add title page and abstract
% print table of contents
% use arabic numbering for main part
% create a tex file for each chapter and include it below
% create a tex file for each appendix and include it below
% add lists of figures, tables and listings to the appendix
% add acronyms
\printglossary[type=\acronymtype, title=Abkürzungsverzeichnis, toctitle=Abkürzungsverzeichnis, numberedsection]
% add bibliography