Thesis UACJ PhD Technology
Roberto Contreras Masse
Last Updated
6 anni fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Basic thesis template to use for Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, program: PhD of Technology.
Basic thesis template to use for Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, program: PhD of Technology.
% UACJ Thesis Template
% Program: PhD Technology
% Author: Roberto A. Contreras Masse
% Last modified on: Feb-05-2019
% Variables for thesis
\newcommand{\nombreAutor}{Nombre del Autor}
\newcommand{\tituloTesis}{Titulo de la tesis}
\newcommand{\fechaTesis}{Junio 2021}
\newcommand{\tituloTesisHeader}{Titulo corto para headers}
% Specify 11pt as default font size
% use report document class for thesis and chapters
% set up line spacing to 1.5
% Spanish-Mexico
% This is to use Spanish Mexico default labels for figures and tables
% Specify margins of letter paper with package geometry
\usepackage[letterpaper, top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm, left=3cm, right=3cm]{geometry}
% headers and footers
\fancyhead[R]{\tituloTesisHeader \\ \nombreAutor}
% Use closest font to Times New Roman and enable any font size
% encoding
% Include ability to handle graphics
\graphicspath{ {images/} } % Specify images path
% Captions specifications
\captionsetup{font={small, bf}}
% \begin{figure}
% \centering
% \caption{Caption}
% \includegraphics{uacj_sinfondo_640x640.png}
% \fuenteGrafica{fuente de la gráfica}
% \label{fig:my_label}
% \end{figure}
% specification of chapters, sections and subsections
\titleformat{\chapter} %section to format
{\normalfont\fontsize{12}{14.4}\bfseries} %format
{\thechapter.} %label
{12pt} %separation
\titleformat{\section} %section to format
{\normalfont\fontsize{11}{12.1}\bfseries} %format
{\thesection} %label
{12pt} %separation
% Reference and citations
% Lista de tablas
% Lista de figuras
% \input{chapters/chapter00_abstract.tex}
%\bibliography{AdminTechII} % Archivo de bibliografía bib
%\bibliographystyle{apalike} % Estilo APA 6
% apendices