% This template is for creating a deed poll similar to that found
% on freedeedpoll.org.uk, but with an added line for explicitly
% changing one's title. All details are entered in YourDetailsGoHere.tex
%Go to the "YourDetailsGoHere" file to enter your details!
\ifnum \dayNum=1 1\textsuperscript{st} \else%
\ifnum \dayNum=2 2\textsuperscript{nd} \else%
\ifnum \dayNum=3 3\textsuperscript{rd} \else \dayNum \textsuperscript{th} \fi \fi \fi%
DAY OF \month~IN THE YEAR \year%
\HUGE\textsf{\underline{Deed of Change of Name}}
\vskip 1cm
\textbf{BY THIS DEED OF CHANGE OF NAME} made by myself the undersigned \name~of \addressLineOne, \addressLineTwo~in the County of \addressLineCounty~formerly known as \deadname, a British Citizen under section 37(1) of the British Nationality Act 1981
\vskip 4mm
\vskip 4mm
\textbf{I. I ABSOLUTELY} and entirely renounce, relinquish and abandon the use of my said former name
\deadname~and assume, adopt and determine to take and use from the date hereof the name of
\name~in substitution for my former name of \deadname
\vskip 4mm
\textbf{II. I SHALL AT ALL TIMES} hereafter in all records, deeds documents and other writings and in all
actions and proceedings as well as in all dealings and transactions and on all occasions whatsoever use and
subscribe the said name of NAME as my name, in substitution for my former name of \deadname~so relinquished as aforesaid to the intent that I may hereafter be called known or distinguished not by the
former name of \deadname~but by the name~\name
\vskip 4mm
\textbf{III. I AUTHORISE AND REQUIRE} all persons at all times to designate, describe, and address me by
the adopted name of \name
\vskip 5mm
\textbf{IV. I FURTHER HEREBY DECLARE} that I entirely renounce, relinquish and abandon the use of my said former title \oldTitle~and assume, adopt and determine to take and use from the date hereof the title of \newTitle~in substitution for my former title of \oldTitle
\vskip 4mm
\textbf{IN WITNESS} whereof I have hereunto subscribed my adopted and substituted name of NAME and also
my said former name of DEADNAME.
\vskip 4mm
Notwithstanding the decision of Mr Justice Vaisey in re Parrott, Cox v Parrott, the applicant wishes the
enrolment to proceed.
\vskip 4mm
\textbf{SIGNED AS A DEED THIS \dateline}
\vskip 2.5cm
\centering \rule{0.75\textwidth}{0.5pt}
by the above name
\vskip 2cm
\centering \rule{0.75\textwidth}{0.5pt}
\witnessOneStreet, \witnessOneTown
\centering \rule{0.75\textwidth}{0.5pt}
by the above name
\vskip 2cm
\centering \rule{0.75\textwidth}{0.5pt}
\witnessTwoStreet, \witnessTwoTown