Sara Nagreen
Last Updated
un anno fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a template for the UW-Madison Math Department Faculty Activities Report that is submitted annually.
This is a template for the UW-Madison Math Department Faculty Activities Report that is submitted annually.
\textbf {Activity Report}
\large \textit {12-Month Period: September 1, 2022 - August 31, 2023}
\noindent {\bf NAME:}
1. If you have not already done so, update and return your attached vita and publication
list with your activity report. Include all papers which have appeared or are submitted.
Give complete references including page numbers. For submitted paper, give the number
of manuscript pages. The Salary Committee would prefer you list research papers,
"other" papers, and books separately. Most papers appearing in conference proceedings
should be listed as research papers. "Other" should include book reviews and papers
which are purely expository or purely review.
2. Please describe the focus of your recent research and work in progress. Briefly sketch (in a
few lines) your research plans for the near future.
3. Grants. (List proposals submitted even if not funded.)
4. Invited lectures and talks. (Include invitations declined.)
(a) in the time period covered by this report
(i) Invited lectures/short courses \\
(ii) Invited talks \\
(iii) Invitations declined: \\
(b) future invitations \\
5. Other conferences attended.
6. Local Seminars (list).
(a) Attended \\
(b) Organized
7. Other honors and awards.
8. Departmental committees and other service.
9. University committees and other service.
10. Editorial, refereeing and review work. (Give approximate numbers.)
Papers refereed: %%%%respond~before~percent~signs
Papers reviewed: %%%%respond~before~percent~signs
Grant proposals reviewed: %%%%respond~before~percent~signs
Individuals reviewed for promotion, tenure, etc.: %%%%respond~before~percent~signs
Editorial positions held (list): %%%%respond~before~percent~signs
Papers handled: %%%%respond~before~percent~signs
11. Other professional service.
12. Current and recent Ph.D. students:
{\it{NAME,}} {\it{YEAR (in Graduate School),}} {\it{STATUS}}
13. Graduate courses taught, Ph.D. committees. Research monographs written, etc.
Graduate course(s) taught:
Ph.D. committees:
Research monographs written:
14. Undergraduate teaching activities{courses taught, course development or revision, de-
velopment of software or other class materials, reading courses, undergraduate textbooks
written or revised, other service to undergrads.