VAF-AF template OU IB9902
Open Universiteit
Last Updated
4 anni fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
LaTeX template voor het afstuderen
LaTeX template voor het afstuderen
% Dit template is gemaakt door P.J. Molijn in het kader van zijn afstuderen aan de OU in 2014.
% Waarvoor hartelijk dank.
% Minieme maar belangrijke wijzigingen zijn aangebracht door E.M. van Doorn
% Het template is versimpeld door Sylvia Stuurman, 2019.
% Het template is aangepast voor de ba informatica door Harrie Passier, Tanja Vos en Pekka Aho 2020
%%%% TITLE PAGE %%%%%%%
%to prevent that the title page will be referred as page 1,
%which will give the warning that there is a page 1 twice.
%% Insert the OU logo at the bottom of the page.
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node at (current page.south)[anchor=south,inner sep=0pt]{
%% Extra whitespace at the top.
{\color{red}\Huge\bf Title\\ Graduation Assignment Preparation}
{\large subtitle, if any}
\bigskip \bigskip
\bigskip \bigskip
{\Large\bf Name author}
\bigskip \bigskip\bigskip \bigskip
%% Add additional information here, per faculty requirements, e.g
Student number: & student number \\
Course code: & \textsc{IB}9902\\
Thesis committee:
& titles and name of the chairman (chairman), & Open University \\
& titles and name of the supervisor (supervisor), & Open University
%to prevent that the title page will be referred as page 1,
%which will give the warning that there is a page 1 twice.
%%%% END TITLE PAGE %%%%%%%
%This will automaticall generate yoir table of contents
% Acronyms
%%%% CONTENTS %%%%%%%
%%%% BIBLIOGRAPHY %%%%%%%
% possible styles: apacite, abbrv, acm, alpha, apalike, ieeetr, plain, siam and unsrt.
% alpha and abbrv are most used in computer science