VIT University Master Thesis Template
Theophilus Rakesh
Last Updated
8 anni fa
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is the approved master thesis template for VIT University, India.
This is the approved master thesis template for VIT University, India.
\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, oneside]{Thesis-1}
\usepackage[square, numbers, comma, sort&compress]{natbib}
\usepackage{verbatim} % Needed for the "comment" environment to make LaTeX comments
% Allows "\bvec{}" and "\buvec{}" for "blackboard" style bold vectors in maths
\hypersetup{urlcolor=blue, colorlinks=true} % Colours hyperlinks in blue, but this can be distracting if there are many links.
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\title {\bf Real-time~Automated,~Scalable~Data~Integration~Platform~for~Big~Data~Analytics}
\authors {\texorpdfstring
\addresses {\groupname\\\deptname\\\univname}
\date {\today}
\subject {Computer Science}
\keywords {}
I hereby declare that the dissertation {\bf \textit{Real-time Automated, Scalable Data Integration Platform for Big Data Analytics}} submitted by me to the School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT University Chennai, 600 127 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of {\bf Master of Technology} in {\bf Computer Science \& Engineering with specialization in Cloud Computing} is a bona-fide record of the work carried out by me under the supervision of{\bf\textit{ Pradeep KV}}. \\
I further declare that the work reported in this dissertation, has not been submitted and will not be submitted, either in part or in full, for the award of any other degree or diploma of this institute or of any other institute or University.
\rule[1em]{25em}{0.5pt} % This prints a line for the signature
Name \& Reg. No.:\\
\rule[1em]{25em}{0.5pt} % This prints a line for the signature
Date: \\
\rule[1em]{25em}{0.5pt} % This prints a line to write the date
\clearpage % Abstract ended, start a new page
% Declaration Page required for the Thesis, your institution may give you a different text to place here
\addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{0.5em}} % Add a gap in the Contents, for aesthetics
This is to certify that the dissertation entitled {\bf \textit{Real-time Automated, Scalable Data Integration Platform for Big Data Analytics}}
submitted by {\bf \textit{Theophilus Rakesh}
(Reg. No. 15MCC1036)}
to VIT University Chennai, in partial fulfullment of the requirement for the award of
the degree of {\bf Master of Technology} in
{\bf Computer Science \& Engineering with specialization in Cloud Computing}
is a bona-fide work carried out under my supervision.
The dissertation fulfills the requirements as per the regulations of this
University and in my opinion meets the necessary standards for submission.
The contents of this dissertation have not been submitted and will not be submitted
either in part or in full, for the award of any other degree or diploma
and the same is certified.
% Spaces for signatures
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bf Supervisor}
& & & & &\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bf Program Chair} \\
& & & & & & & \\
Signature: &.................... & & & & & Signature:& .................... \\
& & & & & & & \\
Name:& ....................
\qquad\quad & & & & &
Name:& .................... \\
& & & & & & & \\
Date: & & & & & & Date: & \\
\bf{Examiner} & \\
& \\
Signature:&.................... \\
& \\
Name: &.................... \\
& \\
Date: & \\
\begin{flushright}{(Seal of the School)}\end{flushright}
Handling huge volumes of data is always tricky in an enterprise environment especially when there are multiple data sources. Integrating data from these data sources to make some logical inference has always been a challenge. Integrating these data in a lot of way will reduce human intervention and eliminate the use of various tools to accomplish similar task.
Aggregation of data becomes complex when the size of the data increases exponentially every day. The complexity further increases when the data has to be captured, analyzed and projected in real time. Existing ETL method of data extraction and mining works perfectly with historical records – records that are either pre-stored or updated over longer intervals of time. When analysis is required to be performed on near real-time data, this method does not suit our need. This is mainly because; we try to transform the data intermediality - which increases the loading time. Instead, in this paper we propose a near real-time analysis platform that will load the data as and when available at a much higher rate which is later used for analytics/transformation.
I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr.G.Viswanathan, Chancellor, Mr. Sankar Viswanathan, Vice President, Ms. Kadhambari S. Viswanathan, Assistant Vice President, Dr. Anand A. Samuel, Vice Chancellor and Dr. P. Gunasekaran, Pro-Vice Chancellor for providing me an excellent academic environment and facilities for pursuing M.Tech. program. I am grateful to Dr. Vaidehi Vijayakumar, Dean of School of Computing Science and Engineering, VIT University, Chennai and to Dr. V. Vijayakumar, Associate Dean. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. B. Rakesh Kanna, Program chair of M.Tech Cloud Computing for providing me an opportunity to do my project work. I would like to express my gratitude to my internal guide Prof.Pradeep K.V and my external guide Mr. Shamsheer Khan who inspite of their buy schedule guided me in the correct path. I am thankful to Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru for giving me an opportunity to work on my project and helped me gain knowledge. I thank my family and friends who motivated me during the course of the project work.}
\clearpage % End of the Acknowledgements
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\tableofcontents % Write out the Table of Contents
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\lhead{\emph{List of Figures}}
\listoffigures % Write out the List of Figures
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\setstretch{1.3} % Return the line spacing back to 1.3
\pagestyle{empty} % Page style needs to be empty for this page
\dedicatory{The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom \ldots \\ Dedicated to the source of absolute wisdom. }
\addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{2em}} % Add a gap in the Contents, for aesthetics
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\mainmatter % Begin normal, numeric (1,2,3...) page numbering
\pagestyle{fancy} % Return the page headers back to the "fancy" style
% Include the chapters of the thesis, as separate files
% Just uncomment the lines as you write the chapters
\input{Chapter1} % Introduction
\input{Chapter2} % Literature Survey
\input{Chapter3} % Experimental Design \& Setup
\input{Chapter4} % Experiments \& Results
% Now begin the Appendices, including them as separate files