%% This document contains a template for conference papers for VDI Automation etc.
%% The document needs to be compiled with LuaLaTeX as the Word Template uses font style "Arial"
%% This package loads the following packages:
%%% inputenc, fontenc, babel, graphicx, titlesec, fontspec, geometry, booktabs, tabularx, ifthen, tikz, amsmath, amssymb, xcolor, algorithm2e
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% Document metadata
\germantitle{Haupttitel in dt.: Der Mann im Mond}
\englishtitle{Optional English Title: The Man in the Moon}
\authorandaffiliations{Dr.-Ing. P. Mustermann, Musterfirma, Musterstadt
Dr. A. Beispiel, Beispielfirma, Beispielstadt
% Insert the German abstract
\germanabstract{Hier ist die deutsche Kurzfassung des Inhalts.}
% Insert the English abstract
\englishabstract{Here is the English abstract of the content.}
\bibliography{references.bib} % You need to have a .bib file