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Capturing the Research Lifecycle - video panel from Microsoft's 'Shaking it Up' workshop

December 24, 2014

Overleaf creator and Writelatex CTO Dr John Lees-Miller speaks on the first panel at the 'Shaking-it Up' workshop held at the Microsoft New England R&D Center in Boston in November. Watch the full panel session video below (opens the video on the Microsoft Research site):

Overleaf Writelatex Microsoft capturing the research lifecycle video panel screenshot

The panel discuss the challenges associated with organizing research data, disseminating and discovering new research tools, and the session is chaired by Courtney Soderberg, Statistical Consultant at the Center for Open Science. See the video

To see the other videos from the workshop, visit the Microsoft Research repository. Direct links:

Want to find out more about the latest developments in science and publishing tech? Check out the next #FuturePub event on the 27th January in London (and live-streamed worldwide).


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