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  • Posted by Shelly on December 2, 2015
    Arin Basu photo

    Congratulations and thanks to Dr. Arindam Basu and the Research Committee of the College of Education, Health, and Human Development CoEHHD for organizing an interactive Overleaf overview presentation at the University of Canterbury at Christchurch in New Zealand.

    As a champion of collaborative research, Arin’s aim for this workshop was to introduce and encourage the use of Overleaf as a collaborative writing tool among students and academic faculty members. In addition, Arin is creating some basic tutorials that will be available soon in Overleaf’s help section of the website. We value Arin’s continued use, support, and promotion of Overleaf.

    As a result, Overleaf is delighted to name Arin Basu as Advisor of the Month for November, 2015. Thank you Arin!

  • Posted by John on November 27, 2015
    TeX Live Logo

    The latest TeX Live 2015 is now running on Overleaf, and it brings many updated and new packages! Yay!

  • Posted by Shelly on November 26, 2015
    Srinidhi Bheesette photo

    Earlier this month we spoke with Shri (Srinidhi Bheesette) who works in the MARS bio-imaging group at the University of Otago. His research group is using Overleaf for collaborative group work to support longer-term knowledge transfer, and in our short interview we find out more about the benefits a cloud-based collaboration platform brings to his group.

  • Posted by John on November 24, 2015
    Overleaf Rubber Duck Army at Imperial College London

    Mark Wheelhouse, 2nd Year Coordinator at ICL’s Department of Computing came up with a great idea for helping his students: Rubber Duck Debugging.

    Needless to say that once we heard about this we were keen to get involved, and everyone was delighted with the rather cute result.

  • Posted by Shelly on November 13, 2015

    NOTE: Subsequent to publication of this interview CERN has entered into an agreement with Overleaf to provide free Overleaf Pro+ accounts for all employees—for further information visit Overleaf's dedicated CERN portal.

    Roland Sipos photo

    "Seriously, you guys do an awesome job. Overleaf is one of the most helpful services in my life! Keep up the good work!" – Roland Sipos

    Roland is working on the CMS experiment at the LHC at CERN, on (or rather, underneath) the Franco-Swiss border. We spoke to him recently to find out about his experiences writing his reports and papers on Overleaf.

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