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Overleaf で日本語を使えるよう設定
[Menu] → [Settings] → [Compiler] を(デフォルトの pdfLaTeX から)LaTeX に変更
latexmkrc を作成(pLaTeX + dvipdfmx を使用)
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Template for short two column paper in Japanese
Yuki Furuta
Chinese & Japanese Traditional Colour Names
xcolor names can contain CJK characters! So here are some Chinese and Japanese traditional colour names like 丁香色, 御召御納戸 . CJK-related packages not required if your document doesn't need to display any CJK text.
LianTze Lim
Manuscript template for the Workshop of Special Interest Group for Haptics, Virtual Reality Society of Japan.
VRSJ Special Interest Group for Haptics
Language Dictionary Template
This is a template for a dictionary of a language to another. An entry, IPA, part of speech, description and example sentences are shown in a command.
Natsuko Nakagawa
WPP Template
The template of "white paper project" in CyberAgent, inc.