overleaf template galleryLaTeX examples — Recent
Examples to help you learn how to use powerful LaTeX packages and techniques.

Pakiet flowfram umożliwia definiowanie dowolnych ramek tekstowych w których tekst przepływa pomiędzy nimi zgodnie z kolejnością ich definicji. Bardzo łatwe staje się definiowanie kolumn wielołamowych ale także takich z niestandardowym położeniem pól tekstowych występujących w plakatach lub czasopismach. Dzięki pakietowi flowfram system LaTeX może z powodzeniem zastępować programy komercyjne takie jak InDesign w tworzeniu graficznie zaawansowanych dokumentów.

Personal template for typing of solutions to homework problems.

Family Tree table, Genealogy

This is my CV as an example for those interested. Comments on the coding used is very welcomed.

Example - the `superflip' configuration Once you have mastered Rubik's cube, then an interesting exercise is to generate the so-called `superflip' configuration, in which all the corners are correctly solved, while all the edges are flipped. For the impatient, the superflip sequence of 24 quarter-turn rotations (listed on Randelshofer's website) is as follows. This converts the solved cube on the left into the configuration shown on the right. Rubik package on CTAN: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/rubik

Visualization of chemical experiment data with Tufte style axes, which demonstrates the ability of LaTeX to dynamically generate figures from raw data files. This plot uses two data files and does some calculations in pgfplots to standardise them. It shows 'scan rate normalised cyclic voltammograms', and could more generally be used for 'cyclic voltammetry' results. Original source: http://pgfplots.net/tikz/examples/cyclic-voltammetry/

Following on from example 4 which showed how to plot the graph of a function in LaTeX using pstricks, here we extend the example to show how trig functions such as cos, sin and tan can be plotted. Original source: http://www.thelazymathematician.com/p/pstricks-examples.html

tcolorbox provides an environment for colored and framed text boxes with a heading line. Optionally, such a box can be split in an upper and a lower part. The package tcolorbox can be used for the setting of LaTeX examples where one part of the box displays the source code and the other part shows the output. Another common use case is the setting of theorems. The package supports saving and reuse of source code and text parts.

Note: TrackChanges is not part of TeX Live, and hasn't been updated in a while. Instead, changes.sty, a package for the same purpose, is available in TeX Live and more recent. You can find the example template here. TrackChanges is a package for collaboratively editing LaTeX documents which allows multiple editors to make changes & add annotations to a document. Here we present a short example of it's use, which you can use as a template to get started.
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