LaTeX templates — Astronomy & Astrophysics

The American Astronomical Society (AAS) has developed a markup package to assist authors in preparing manuscripts intended for submission to all the AAS-affiliated journals. The journals are the Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), the Astronomical Journal (AJ), ApJ Supplements (ApJS), Letters (ApJL), The Planetary Science Journal (PSJ), and Research Notes of the American Astronomical society (RNAAS). The latest LaTeX classfile is AASTeX v7.0 and it can be obtained here. The sample7.tex template uses this classfile to illustrate some of the newer features for submissions to the main Journals. Authors should consult the extensive guide for all the features in AASTeX v7.0. Once your manuscript is complete, check the AAS journals pre-submission checklist to make sure you're ready to submit. Then use the "Submit to Journal" option in the Overleaf editor to submit your files directly to the journal for processing. Note that you will still need to log on to the submission site to supply additional meta-data. The transfer to the peer review site can take some time so please be patient. The editorial office will contact you when your submission has been processed and is ready for the final meta-data input. If you're new to LaTeX, check out our free online introduction to help you get started, or please get in touch if you have any questions.

These instructions provide guidelines for preparing papers for AIAA Technical Conferences using LaTeX. AIAA is the catalyst for inspired idea exchange and solutions, a convener of the most original perspectives, and curator of essential research information. For the past 50 years, individuals and teams from around the globe have presented their latest research to their peers at AIAA conferences. To begin writing online (in your browser), simply click the Open as Template button, above. Additional guidelines for preparing your submission are included within the template itself. If you'd like to download any of the template files including the .cls file, please click "Open as template" above, then download the template “Source” zip file from the menu. For a list of AIAA forums and other events currently accepting abstracts, visit the AIAA events listing page. If you're new to Overleaf and LaTeX, check out our free introductory course for help getting started.

These instructions provide guidelines for preparing papers for AIAA Technical Journals using LaTeX. You may also use it for preparing papers for AIAA conferences by toggling the documentclass option in the template. AIAA journals provide a panoramic journey from yesterday’s challenges through today's most important aerospace advances in research and development.AIAA’s original research papers present concepts, methods of analysis, technical knowledge, exploratory developments, and new applications. To begin writing online (in your browser), simply click the Open as Template button, above. Additional guidelines for preparing your submission are included within the template itself. If you'd like to download any of the template files including the .cls file, please click "Open as template" above, then download the template “Source” zip file from the menu. This template is designed for submissions to all current AIAA journals: AIAA Journal Journal of Aerospace Information Systems Journal of Aircraft Journal of Air Transportation Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics Journal of Propulsion and Power Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer If you're new to Overleaf and LaTeX, check out our free introductory course for help getting started.

Official template for TJAA - v3.0

A template for submission to the proceedings for the Summer Student Research Symposium of the Keck North East Astronomy Consortium (KNAC) program. We used to be an REU, now internally funded by member institutions, the symposium is open to all undergraduates doing astronomy related research either at any of the KNAC locations, or who are from a KNAC institution. Based largely on AASTeX format. Last updated Summer 2024 - changes year to year are usually very minor.

This is an exact copy of the official NRC Astro2020 white paper LaTeX template. Re-published for community use on Overleaf by Jason Tumlinson (STScI / JHU).

ESO telescope proposal template adapted for Research Techniques in Astronomy (RTA) at the University of Nottingham. Updated for 2018/19.

The Journal of Logic and Computation aims to promote the growth of logic and computing, including, among others, the following areas of interest: Logical Systems, such as classical and non-classical logic, constructive logic, categorical logic, modal logic, type theory, feasible maths. The bulk of the content is technical scientific papers, although letters, reviews, and discussions, as well as relevant conference reviews, are included. For more information about the journal, see http://pasj.oxfordjournals

This is the LaTeX template for the Royal Society Open Science – a fast, open journal publishing high quality research across all of science, engineering and mathematics.
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