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This paper implements Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) technique to construct a map of a given environment. A Real Time Appearance Based Mapping (RTAB-Map) approach was taken for accomplishing this task. Initially, a 2d occupancy grid and 3d octomap was created from a provided simulated environment. Next, a personal simulated environment was created for mapping as well. In this appearance based method, a process called Loop Closure is used to determine whether a robot has seen a location before or not. In this paper, it is seen that RTAB-Map is optimized for large scale and long term SLAM by using multiple strategies to allow for loop closure to be done in real time and the results depict that it can be an excellent solution for SLAM to develop robots that can map an environment in both 2d and 3d.
Modelo de documento para Dissertacao/Tese de Mestrado/Doutoramento em Engenharia Electrotecnica e de Computadores.
Raul Morais, 2007 - 2008
Manuel Cabral, 2008
Antonio Valente, 2004-2018
Modelo de artigo científico para a revista Mecatrone v1.11
PET - Automação e Sistemas da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo
e-mail do grupo: petmecatronica@gmail.com
e-mail da revista: revistamecatrone@gmail.com
site da revista: http://www.revistas.usp.br/mecatrone/
The Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) is a NASA long-duration balloon experiment with the primary goal of detecting ultra-high-energy (\(> 10^{18}\)eV) neutrinos via the Askaryan Effect. In the fourth ANITA mission, the Tunable Universal Filter Frontend (TUFF) boards were deployed for mitigation of narrow-band, anthropogenic noise with tunable, switchable notch filters. They contributed to a factor of 2.8 higher total instrument livetime in ANITA-4 compared to ANITA-3. A search for a diffuse flux of ultra-high-energy neutrinos was conducted using the data collected during the ANITA-3 flight with a new approach where the Antarctic ice area is sectioned off into bins and a search is performed with different thresholds in different bins. The binned analysis methods were extended to the development of a search for neutrinos from Gamma Ray Bursts, implementing constraints in time, and for the first time, in direction. Lower analysis thresholds were achieved in a feasibility search even when extending the search to include longer afterglow periods.
Authored with osudiss-2.cls (v0.9.1)
Some universities require softcopy of theses to comply with the PDF/A-1b standard. While the pdfx package is commonly used for creating PDF/A and PDF/X files, it has some shortcomings and the output file sometimes still isn't fully compliant with PDF/A-1b. This package provides an alternative method for this purpose.
The original package can be found here.
J Concepción Loredo-Osti (uploaded by LianTze Lim)
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