LaTeX templates and examples — Title Page

This is the title page for University of Amsterdam's MoL thesis. For more information, please see

Simple template for a single-page abstract.

Stylish Colored Title Page LaTeX Template Version 1.0 (27/12/12) This template has been downloaded from: Original author: Peter Wilson ( License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 ( Instructions for using this template: This title page compiles as is. If you wish to include this title page in another document, you will need to copy everything before \begin{document} into the preamble of your document. The title page is then included using \titleBC within your document.

Template for the title page to be used by Faculty of science of Chouaib Doukkali University.

Frontpage for a thesis for University of Milano Bicocca - Unimib

En alternativ (snyggare) titelsida till ditt examensarbete

Plantilla de entrega de trabajos para alumnos de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Students can use it for the front page for Btech final year project report front page.

Title Page for SUAI (Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation) students
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