LaTeX templates and examples — Getting Started

This is a LaTeX template for MAT214

Todo (futuro) científico y/o ingeniero debe estar familiarizado con el procesador de textos \(\mathrm{\LaTeX}\), orientado a textos científicos. Se pretende que el estudiante realice su primer documento en latex con una serie de ejercicios.

This template can be used for typesetting solutions to homework assignments. We define a document class that includes a number of useful packages, defines shorthand macros for commonly used constructs and makes it easy to typeset answers to exercises. The template default content demonstrates how various tasks can be achieved in LaTeX as well: mathematical notation and many symbols, typesetting a table, including a figure, et cetera.

Modified previously existing template for CS 330 Duke HW Latex-ing Includes following packages: fancyhdr % Required for custom headers lastpage % Required to determine the last page for the footer extramarks % Required for headers and footers \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color % Required for custom colors subcaption graphicx % Required to insert images listings % Required for insertion of code courier % Required for the courier font comment multirow amsmath \usepackage[table,xcdraw]{xcolor geometry pdflscape pdfpages booktabs geometry

This is a generic template for a law review article. It is modeled after the Word law review article template that Eugene Volokh created. This template, in addition to converting the coding from Word to LaTeX, adds some features. It includes the option of having multiple authors, using a table of contents, and including an abstract. The code indicates how to modify the template for an article with multiple authors and how to remove the table of contents, the abstract, or both. While there have been a few attempts to create a package that will automatically format citations using the Bluebook style, they have not gone very far or been very successful. So, you are left on your own. I have given examples in the text of how to use LaTeX codes to achieve the Bluebook style, which may help guide you. These should help you with most of the typesetting styles you need, and you can use the Bluebook to determine the particular requirements for a cite.

One of the acceptable templates for writing a physics comps paper at Carleton College. This template is part of an internal wiki page for students at Carleton College.

This LaTex file is composed using LaTex.It's my probability homework published here only with the purpose of making more people get to know and use LaTex well!

Этот шаблон документа разработан в 2014 году Данилом Фёдоровых ( для использования в курсе <<Документы и презентации в \LaTeX>>, записанном НИУ ВШЭ для . Вы можете изменять, использовать, распространять этот документ любым способом по своему усмотрению. В качестве благодарности автору вы можете сохранить в начале документа данный текст или просто ссылку на Исходная версия Шаблона ---

Template for Proof/Problem submissions in our MATH 3318 class.
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