LaTeX templates and examples — Portuguese (Brazilian)

Modelos de documento a ser utilizado no projeto de graduação.

Sermão baseado no Capítulo 2 da carta do Apóstolo Paulo a Tito.

Modelo de Relatório de Sessão PBL com abnTeX2, para Departamento de Tecnologia, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana

Segunda parte da série de estudos baseado no livro Cinco Votos para Obter Poder Espiritual de A. W. Tozer.

abtex2-modelo-trabalho-academico.tex, v-1.9.5 laurocesar Copyright 2012-2015 by abnTeX2 group at The Current Maintainer of this work is the abnTeX2 team, led by Lauro César Araujo.

Relatório final de estágio

Template para apresentação do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso do alunos do Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação da UFRPE.

Estudo Bíblico baseado na Revista "Ensinos do Reino" da Editora Didaquê

Research about recommendation systems has increased due to the amount of information that it is available to individuals. In the music context these systems help the individual to filter and discover new songs according the individual's taste. Most of the business music companies use a recommendation system, based on the characteristics of a song listened by an individual, but a group recommendation system is still underexplored. For a shared environment when there is music, the songs selection will be more efficient if a group recommendation system is used. The goal of this project is to develop a music recommendation for a group that, is sharing the same environment, taking into consideration the context. For this reason, in this work we will employ the Spotify API to recover the data of playlists that were listened by an individual, collecting its preferences and adding them to the others individuals playlists.
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