LaTeX templates — Theses
LaTeX thesis templates to help you navigate an important step in your career. These thesis templates, many provided by universities as official layout guidelines, include sections to add author information, along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references, and appendices.

TE Mini Project Template 2024-24 used by students to complete their project Report

The dissertation template for Level 4 software engineering year placement project dissertations in the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow. からクローンし,公開

Este template é uma adaptação baseada no uso do modelo TEMPLATE TCC IFPI - Monografia criado pelo professor Tulio Vidal Rolim do campus Corrente, que por sua vez baseou seu trablhao no modelo abntex-ifpi criado por Rafael Madureira Lins de Araújo. Essa versão foi atualizada tendo como referência o modelo para monografia disponibilizado no site do IFPI e o Manual de Normalização de Trabalhos Acadêmicos do IFPI - 2022. Além disso foram incluídas adequações e correções para o devido funcionamento aqui no OverLeaf, referências, inserção da citação direta e outras estilizações também necessárias.

A rough template for Summer Training Report of University School of Automation and Robotics, GGSIPU EDC

Template LaTeX Skripsi Departemen Matematika Universitas Brawijaya

A simple article-formatted two columns template for the research projectof the students of MACh Master (Avignon Université). Based on revetx-4.2

The International University (HCMIU - VNU) Pre-thesis and Thesis LaTeX template is a complete and easy-to-use document class that meets the formatting criteria for academic submissions at International University - Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City. This template, with its organized sections for the title page, signature page, acknowledgments, table of contents, lists of tables and figures, abstract, major body chapters, bibliography, and appendices, ensures uniform formatting and superficial modification. It gives students a simplified procedure for creating professional, well-organized pre-thesis and thesis materials. The template, with its provision of basic LaTeX packages for mathematical expressions, images, and multilingual papers, is versatile and suitable for various academic topics, making students feel confident in their ability to use it for their specific needs.

Here is a general template for a research protocol that can be tailored for students or candidates pursuing a master's or PhD at CICATA (Centro de Investigación en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada), part of the IPN (Instituto Politécnico Nacional).
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